Chipotle CEO says customers are ‘trading down’

In this article:

Chipotle CEO, Brian Niccol speaks at Yahoo Finance’s All Markets Summit on customer spending.

Video Transcript

BRIAN SOZZI: And is it just that your consumer is better off financially? You just focus on a higher income consumer. And right now, by and large, they're OK. They have the money to go out there and shop at Chipotle.

BRIAN NICCOL: Yeah, look, our brand is positioned in a really great spot. Obviously, as you mentioned, we have some higher household income on average in our customers. We also skew younger. But we serve pretty much all income groups. And I don't love to see some of the lower income groups being impacted the way they have. But we're fortunate that we're positioned the way we are with our commitment to food with integrity.

And frankly, I think the job that the brand has done to position itself in this space of being an elevated food experience, so we get people trading down. And I think we also get people trading up, and just in a really unique position. So we're pretty fortunate, no doubt about it.
