The big reason why there will be more energy sector deals

There have been a lot of deals in the energy space over the last few months.

EY Strategy and Transactions, Americas Vice Chair Mitch Berlin expects that to continue, saying he thinks "there are still a lot of big deals in the pipeline."

Watch the video above to find out what Berlin says is driving the M&A activity in the energy space.

Be to watch the full interview with Mitch Berlin. For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Asking for a Trend.

This post was written by Stephanie Mikulich.

Video Transcript

I, I do wanna dig more into energy in particular because there, the deal activity has just been a lot, right?

Because it's not just the number of deals, it's the size of the deals that we have seen of the ones that have been announced.

Um, I believe only one of the large ones has closed in the form of Exxon.

Um, and, uh, pioneer, there's still a lot are a lot that are pending.

Um, do you think that we've kind of come to the end of that flurry of activity in that industry we have now come to the end?

I think there's still a lot of big deals in the pipeline.

I think we'll continue to see what we're going to continue to see more.

These are particularly in oil and gas, oil and gas balance sheets are flush with cash.

Um, so it's, it's a lot easier for them to do deals because they don't have to go to, uh, the, the syndicated market to actually finance these deals through debt.

As a matter of fact, if you look at the last 20 if you look at the largest 20 deals in 2024 only three of them, this is across all industries, many of those deals over oil and gas.

Only three of those deals actually went to the debt markets to fund those deals.

The rest were funded through cash or stock.
