Apple to incorporate ChatGPT across its platforms

In this article:

Apple (AAPL) has unveiled its AI platform and the details of a deal with OpenAI at its Worldwide Developers Conference.

Yahoo Finance's Dan Howley reports more on the tech giant's AI initiatives and how they stack up to other big names on the AI scene.

Read more about Apple's AI platform here.

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This post was written by Melanie Riehl

Video Transcript

Dan, we talked a little bit earlier about some of the features that Apple announced, specifically, talk to us a little more about that partnership with Open A I and the implications of it and kind of how it's gonna work.


So really what they're doing is they're gonna be integrating uh GP T technology, open A I technology into uh I OS.

So uh you'll be able to do things like pull up Siri asked for a question.

You can choose if you want to have a GP T answer or Siri answer.

Now, Apple says that uh all the information, your data, all of that is going to uh not go up to uh open A I, it's not gonna be shared, it's not gonna be used to train anything.

Uh And that really is something that's, that's important.

Uh We saw uh Sam Altman wandering around uh ahead of the event.

Uh They didn't make too much fanfare of the announcement.

It was relatively small when you take into the, the totality of what Apple announced here.

But uh you know, the Apple Intelligence platform is uh seemingly a, a kind of, you know, new way for Apple to move forward because it's going to be across all of these different platforms with I on ipad Mac, I didn't say anything about uh uh Vision Pro yet or watch Os uh or, or Apple TV.

Uh But the uh the fact that it's going to be on iphone, on ipad and on Mac and talking across those is really important.

And I think when you look at the companies that are offering consumer level A I, that's Microsoft Apple and Google Apple seems to have really started to come out on its own uh ahead of the other two.

Now that being said they were only just announced, we haven't used it yet, we haven't seen what kind of hiccups there might be, you know, Google and Microsoft did announce their own A I products and they had hiccups.

In fact, Microsoft just had to pull back its recall feature, an A I driven feature before they even released it because of some backlash about potential security issues.

So this is a big move for Apple, they're going to have to be essentially testing it.

They're going to roll out the beta uh the and then the public data and then we'll see what kind of reactions uh users give towards that.

But it's, it's interesting because they're also not just doing this using Apple software, they're also opening it up to third party software.

Uh So you'll be able to do things like ask your phone to take advantage of certain app features or pull up information from certain apps.

So it really is kind of an all in approach for Apple here and for a company that, you know, been waiting for two years to see what they were going to do with generative A I, uh, it really seems as though they, they've delivered on what was expected but nothing over and beyond that.

And Dan I'm interested too, you know, one theme today was privacy.

Apple really emphasizing that, you know, not surprising that that's a core value in, in Cupertino.

I'm just, I'm curious to get your take, Dan.

How much do you think that resonates with consumers?

How much that matters with consumers?

But I think for, for most people that's, you know, a big selling point for Apple, they push security as, as a selling point and privacy as a selling point for themselves all the time.

Um And I think that for, for the average consumer, when they think of Jar of A I, there's questions as to whether or not their data is going to be used to train models or be sent back to uh some large server where it's held on to indefinitely.

Uh Apple, making sure to say, look, we're going to send the bare minimum amount of data.

It's going to go to special Apple servers running on Apple Silicon with all the kind of privacy you would expect.

And then it's not going to be stored there.

So that's an important differentiator for Apple that they're, they're trying to use.

I think one of the other important differentiators to point out.

And one of the things that they try to lay out at the top is that this is all going to be context sensitive to your information now rather than broad based kind of uh GP T or, or uh Microsoft Google.

This is all gonna be based on your data.

So when you pull stuff up on your phone, you're gonna be looking for information from your apps.

Uh I used an example earlier about if you have to pick someone at the airport, uh You could say, should I leave for the airport?

Well, what time do I have to pick up mom or whatever?

Uh and it'll look through your content and tell you exactly what you need to know.

And I think that's a key differentiator for Apple here making it about security as you as you point out and then about the context sensitivity here, that's something that I think is really important and could be a major selling point for Apple just making things a lot easier for consumers overall.

Dan Finally, I want to ask you, I mean, you are immersed in tech, you use it a lot in your daily life.

Um What was the feature today that most wowed you that they introduced?

Honestly, I, I think for myself, we want to see how this whole context sensitivity thing works, right?

I mean, cool.

I can rearrange the apps on my iphone screen.

All right.

That's fun.

Uh The Gen Moji, the kind of A I um emojis.

All right.

That's cool.

You know, people like that.

Uh, my brother loves it.

Uh But for me it's gonna be about how does this now pull information that I need up like surfaces it properly for, for me.

Um I think, you know, for, for generative A I for consumers, this is probably the way to go.

Uh being able to edit my photos is fun and all uh being able to, you know, uh some, some audio, great fun uh interesting ways to use this.

But the the, the the contact sensitivity pulling up content that I need summarizing things for me in an easy to understand way that the the notifications feature that they announced, uh the uh the sensitivity for, for notifications that you want.

So I don't need to know that the Mets lost again before I get a text message from my wife.

It'll stack them the right way.

The more important one, my wife, the less important one, the Mets lost.

Now if the Mets win, they're more important but they're not so whatever.

But I think that's something that is, that is very important and something that I think overall is is going to be a selling point, not just not just for me, but for most people, we just have to see if they can deliver exactly what they promised and for ja I it can be hit or miss so far.

Yes, most definitely utility and execution.

Those are going to be the two really determining factors here.

Dan, thank you so much.

Appreciate it.
