What would another Trump presidency mean for the markets?

Voters and investors alike worry about the impact of the upcoming presidential election on markets. Yahoo Finance Executive Editor Brian Sozzi had Bradesco BBI Head of Equity Strategy Ben Laidler on Opening Bid to evaluate. He provided some comfort for both sides of the aisle saying, "The pillars of this bull market are not dependent on the politics and are a lot stronger, I think, than any one president."

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Video Transcript

I think investors are looking back to the first trump presidency and thinking, you know, that was fairly pro business.

I made a lot of money.

Um, maybe we're gonna get, you know, a repeat of that.

And, you know, Joe Biden is the president today.

And, uh, you know, the economy is gonna grow 3% this quarter and inflation's come down, and we're about to start cutting interest rates.

So not everybody is obviously feeling that.

But, you know, the market is on track for the best year since 1995 which was 40 years ago and were on track to have the greatest number of all time highs.

You know, since then.

So again, I, I think the glass is half full, not half empty.

I do think there's gonna be more volatility.

Um, but I think markets will get through this.

I think the the the pillars of this bull market are not dependent on the politics and are a lot stronger, I think, than any one president.

If if I am nervous about the election, what is my play from a market perspective.

So my simplistic answer is the US is just so super sized and enormous that if the US doesn't work, there are very, very few places to hide.

I can come up with one or two, maybe China's one.

But you know, there are very few places to hide.

So if you're if you're if you're very bearish on the US, you know it's bonds or cash.

Frankly, um, but I don't think you should be that bearish on the U SI think you know, the election is one of the ingredients of this wall of worry that I think the market is just gonna keep climbing along with inflation, along with recession fears.

Along with, you know, tech bubble.

I think we can go through it all.
