Is AI actually making work easier or adding to workloads?

AI may seem like a great tool to help workers balance their workload, but is that really the case? Apparently, 77% of employees have an increased workload due to AI, according to data from the Upwork Research Institute.

Upwork Research Institute managing director Kelly Monahan joins Wealth! to give insight into AI adoption and how employees feel about its presence in the workplace.

Kelly starts out with a stark detail about current working conditions for employees

"We really don't have a technology problem. We have an outdated thinking around the way we organize work and talent, and our research paints a picture that helps guide a playbook for leaders looking to actually capitalize and drive productivity in an environment with most people today, quite frankly, feel burned out."

She elaborates on whether or not productivity will increase when AI is properly trained and implemented: "It's what researchers call the 'productivity paradox' — Technology increases exponentially, but the investment in skilling and retraining falls behind. And so what happens is we have this undervalued technology where people are trying to have the productivity gains, but they're working in a system that doesn't allow them to do so."

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This post was written by Nicholas Jacobino
