Nasdaq - Delayed Quote USD

AMG Yacktman Focused N (YAFFX)

21.25 +0.12 (+0.57%)
As of 8:06 AM EDT. Market Open.

Top 10 Holdings (49.45% of Total Assets)

SymbolCompany% Assets
005935 10.58%
Bolloré SE 8.25%
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 8.10%
Microsoft Corporation 4.40%
Alphabet Inc. 4.33%
UHAL.B 3.12%
KT&G Corporation 2.87%
Fox Corporation 2.70%
News Corporation 2.56%
The Charles Schwab Corporation 2.54%

Sector Weightings

Technology   19.28%
Energy   14.42%
Industrials   9.51%
Healthcare   1.44%
Real Estate   0.00%
Utilities   0.00%

Overall Portfolio Composition (%)

Cash 5.26%
Stocks 92.17%
Bonds 2.57%
Others 0.00%
Preferred 0.00%
Convertible 0.00%

Bond Ratings

US Government 1.93%
AAA --
AA --
A --
BBB --
BB --
B --
Below B --
Other --

Equity Holdings

Average YAFFX Category Average
Price/Earnings 0.07 0.06
Price/Book 0.69 0.41
Price/Sales 0.8 0.59
Price/Cashflow 0.1 0.09
Median Market Cap 69,522.04 115,065.59
3 Year Earnings Growth 9.75 17.22

Bond Holdings

Performance & Risk

YTD Return 5.30%
5y Average Return 10.17%
Rank in Category (ytd) 94
% Rank in Category (ytd) --
Beta (5Y Monthly) 0.77
Morningstar Risk Rating

Fund Overview

Category Large Value
Fund Family AMG Funds
Net Assets 3.61B
YTD Return 9.46%
Yield 0.92%
Morningstar Rating
Inception Date Jul 24, 2012

Fund Summary

The fund invests primarily in domestic and foreign equity securities. Its investments in foreign equity securities may include emerging market securities. The fund also may invest in debt securities. Its investments in debt securities may include U.S. Treasury notes and bonds, investment grade corporate debt securities, convertible debt securities and debt securities below investment grade (high yield or junk bonds). The fund is non-diversified.

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