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Upgrade Now Frankfurt - Delayed Quote • EUR Anoto Group AB (publ) (XTL1.F) Follow Compare 0.0016 -0.0002 (-11.11%) At close: February 28 at 8:30:55 AM GMT+1 All News Press Releases SEC Filings All SEC Filings Corporate Changes & Voting Matters Periodic Financial Reports Proxy Statements Tender Offer/Acquisition Reports Offering Registrations Year-End Report January – December 2024 Fourth quarter 2024 (compared to fourth quarter 2023) Net sales for the quarter decreased to MSEK 6 (13)Gross margin for the quarter decreased to 42% (57%)Operating profit and loss amounted to MSEK -15 (-166)Net income for the period improved to MSEK -12 (-183)Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK -0.03 (-0.55)On 25 October 2024, Anoto announced that the Board of Directors has resolved to carry out a directed share issue amounting to approximately SEK 15 million, a rights Change in the total number of shares and votes in Anoto Anoto Group AB (”Anoto”) has as previously announced carried out a directed share issue, a set-off issue, and a rights issue of ordinary shares, which has resulted in a changed number of shares and votes in Anoto. Through the directed share issue and the set-off issue, the number of shares and votes has increased by 125,043,750 and 230,636,107 respectively. Through the rights issue, the outcome of which was announced through a press release on 30 December 2024, the number of shares and votes has Anoto announces outcome of rights issue Anoto Group AB (the "Company" or "Anoto") hereby announces the outcome of the Company’s rights issue of approximately SEK 50 million (the “Rights Issue”) for which the subscription period ended on 19 December 2024. The Rights Issue has been subscribed to approximately 37.5 percent with and without the support of subscription rights. Underwriting commitments of 259,308,520 shares, corresponding to approximately 62.5 percent of the Rights Issue, will thus be utilized. The Rights Issue provides the Anoto extends the subscription period for the ongoing rights issue until 19 December 2024 Press release Date11 December 2024 Anoto extends the subscription period for the ongoing rights issue until 19 December 2024 Anoto Group AB (the "Company" or "Anoto") hereby announces that the board of directors has decided to extend the subscription period for the ongoing rights issue until 19 December 2024, to provide more investors with the opportunity to access information about the Company's operations and offerings. The resolution to extend the subscription period also affects certain othe Anoto comments on the SFSA’s report of suspected accounting fraud regarding the financial year 2020 Press release Date3 December 2024 Anoto comments on the SFSA’s report of suspected accounting fraud regarding the financial year 2020 On 29 November 2024, Anoto Group AB (the “Company” or “Anoto”) received information from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (the “SFSA”) that the SFSA in April 2024 filed a report of suspected accounting fraud in respect of the financial year 2020 to the Swedish Economic Crime Authority. The SFSA informed Anoto that the authority previously, in connection Updated first day of trading in BTAs and subscriptions rights Anoto Group AB (the "Company" or “Anoto”) today announces that the Company's board of directors has decided to update the first day of trading in BTAs (paid subscribed shares) and subscriptions rights on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Company’s ongoing rights issue. It has previously been communicated that the first day of trading in BTAs and subscription rights would be Monday 2 December 2024. The first day of trading in BTA and subscriptions rights is now instead Tuesday 3 December 2024. The subscrip Anoto publishes prospectus Anoto Group AB (the "Company" or “Anoto”) today publishes a prospectus (“the Prospectus”). The Prospectus has been prepared in connection with (i) the admission to trading of 125,043,750 common shares in Anoto which the board of directors decided to issue on October 25, 2024, subject to subsequent approval by an extraordinary general meeting, (ii) the admission to trading of 230,636,111 common shares that have been issued through a set-off issue which Anoto's board of directors decided on Octobe Interim Report January – September 2024 Third quarter 2024 (compared to third quarter 2023) Net sales for the quarter decreased to MSEK 5 (8)Gross margin for the quarter decreased to 52% (67%)Operating profit and loss amounted to MSEK -15 (128)Net income for the period decreased to MSEK -27 (122)Earnings per share before and after dilution decreased to SEK -0.08 (0.45)The Annual General Meeting held on 15 July 2024, resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to resolve, with or without deviation from the shareholders’ preferential r BULLETIN FROM THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING IN ANOTO GROUP AB (PUBL) ON 26 NOVEMBER 2024 Stockholm, 26 November 2024 – At the Extra General Meeting (the “EGM”) in Anoto Group AB (publ) (“Anoto” or the “Company”) on 26 November 2024, the following main resolutions were adopted. Adoption of new articles of association The EGM resolved, with required majority, to adopt new articles of association in which the limits of the number of shares in § 5 were changed to be no less than 322,222,222 and not more than 1,288,888,888 shares. Reduction of the share capital without redemption of ordi Anoto pre-orders for new ‘LivePen’ in US & Canada exceed past launches Stockholm, 21 November 2024 – Anoto Group AB (publ) (”Anoto”) announces it is taking pre-orders in the US and Canada for ‘LivePen’ – its first new product in over 2 years. Pre-orders started on Nov 15 and LivePen will start shipping in both markets from Nov 29. Ahead of this week’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend, LivePen pre-orders are currently trading 85% up versus Echo II pre-orders. LivePen is the lightest, thinnest, most streamlined pen we’ve ever designed and together with the new LiveP Notice to attend Extraordinary General Meeting in Anoto Group AB (publ) The shareholders of Anoto Group AB (publ) (the “Company”) are hereby invited to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) to be held on Tuesday 26 November 2024 at 10 a.m. at the premises of Setterwalls Advokatbyrå, Sturegatan 10 in Stockholm, Sweden. Notification of participation Shareholders wishing to attend the EGM must be entered as shareholders in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB no later than on Monday 18 November 2024,notify the Company of their intention t Anoto resolves on a SEK 15 million directed issue, a SEK 50 million rights issue and a set-off issue of SEK 21 million to strengthen the company's financial position and for the implementation of the company's business plan NOT FOR PUBLICATION, DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES, AUSTRALIA, BELARUS, HONG KONG, JAPAN, CANADA, NEW ZEALAND, RUSSIA, SINGAPORE, SOUTH AFRICA OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE SUCH PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Anoto Group AB ("Anoto" or the “Company") hereby informs that the Board of Directors has resolved to carry out a directed share issue amounting to approximately SEK 15 million, a rights issue amounting to approximately SEK 50 Anoto’s business transformation is underway with new products and a brand evolution Stockholm, 4 October 2024 – Anoto Group AB (publ) (”Anoto”) announces today that its business transformation is fully underway. Following recent recruitment announcements, our new core management team is in place to lead an exciting new direction for the group. In early October, timed for Black Friday and the Holiday period, the company will be releasing ‘LivePen’, a new, affordable digital pen in tandem with its companion ‘LivePen’ app. Understanding how audiences respond to the new pen and app Anoto is pleased to report two new recruits to the executive team Stockholm, 11 September 2024 – Anoto Group AB (publ) (“Anoto”) announces today that James Kennedy has been appointed Chief Marketing Officer of Anoto Group AB. James worked for Apple Inc for 9 years in the US and Europe latterly as Director of Marketing Communications, Europe during which time he was involved in 27 product launches, and most recently as Marketing Director of Entain. James brings with him a culture of excellence in execution and a laser focus on fulfilling our customers’ needs. D Interim Report January – June 2024 Interim Report January – June 2024 Second quarter 2024 (compared to second quarter 2023) Net sales for the quarter amounted to MSEK 6 (9)Gross margin for the quarter decreased to 38% (51%)Operating loss amounted to MSEK -16 (-16)Earnings per share before and after dilution increased to SEK -0.04 (-0.05)On April 29, Anoto announced that Mats Karlsson has been appointed as interim CEO of Anoto, thereby replacing the previous CEO Joonhee Won, who will be able to focus on leading the work of Knowled Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting in Anoto Group AB (publ) on 15 July 2024 The Annual General Meeting (the (“AGM”) in Anoto Group AB (publ) (the ”Company”) has been held on 15 July 2024 and in particular the following decisions were resolved. Balance sheet, income statement and dividend The AGM resolved to adopt the balance sheet, income statement, consolidated balance sheet and consolidated income statement for 2023. Furthermore, it was resolved that no dividend will be distributed and that the unrestricted equity in the parent company shall be carried forward. The Bo Anoto publishes the ESEF version of its annual report 2023 Anoto Group AB (“Anoto” or the “Company”) today publishes the ESEF version of its annual report 2023 on the Company’s website, www.anoto.com. It is now available electronically at https://www.anoto.com/investors/reports/. The format of the report is xHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language). In accordance with the requirements for ESEF, the primary financial statements have been provided with XBRL tags. As the ESEF version of the annual report for 2023 is published, the Company’s auditor has Anoto Group AB has entered into a convertible investment agreement raising USD 1,500,000 and resolved on reappointment of Hans Haywood as Group CFO and Pedro Pinto as Group CTO Anoto Group AB (publ) (the “Company” or “Anoto”) today announces that the Company has entered into a convertible investment agreement with Mark Stolkin and DDM Debt AB, two larger shareholders in Anoto. The investors will together invest USD 1,500,000 in convertible debt. Upon conversion, the Company will deliver shares through one or several set-off share issues. The funds received by the Company through the investments shall be used for general corporate purposes for the execution of the Compa Erik Fällström has decided to resign as board member of Anoto Stockholm, 26 June 2024 Erik Fällström has decided to resign as board member of Anoto Anoto Group AB (publ) (“Anoto” or the “Company”) announces that Erik Fällström today has informed the Board of Directors of his decision to resign as board member of Anoto with immediate effect. The Board of Directors has resolved that deputy board member Alexander Fällström shall participate as board member in the Board of Directors for the period until the next Annual General Meeting to be held on 15 July 202 Notice to attend the Annual General Meeting in Anoto Group AB (publ) The shareholders of Anoto Group AB (publ) (the “Company”) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) to be held on Monday 15 July 2024 at 10 a.m. at the premises of Setterwalls Advokatbyrå, Sturegatan 10 in Stockholm, Sweden. Notification of participation Shareholders wishing to attend the AGM must be entered as shareholders in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB no later than on Friday 5 July 2024,notify the Company of their intention to participate no Performance Overview Trailing total returns as of 2/28/2025, which may include dividends or other distributions. Benchmark is OMX Stockholm 30 Index Return XTL1.F OMX Stockholm 30 Index YTD -71.43% +9.73% 1-Year -92.52% +11.57% 3-Year -92.98% +27.23%