Nasdaq - Delayed Quote USD

Boston Trust Walden International Eq (WIEFX)

15.06 +0.12 (+0.80%)
As of 8:06 AM EDT. Market Open.

Top 10 Holdings (24.28% of Total Assets)

SymbolCompany% Assets
Nestlé S.A. 2.95%
Roche Holding AG 2.93%
Unilever PLC 2.65%
Toyota Motor Corporation 2.53%
Royal Bank of Canada 2.40%
Novo Nordisk A/S 2.37%
Schneider Electric S.E. 2.29%
RELX PLC 2.13%
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. 2.06%
Nitto Denko Corporation 1.97%

Sector Weightings

Industrials   16.01%
Healthcare   12.35%
Technology   9.58%
Energy   5.45%
Utilities   2.93%
Real Estate   1.93%

Overall Portfolio Composition (%)

Cash 0.49%
Stocks 99.51%
Bonds 0.00%
Others 0.00%
Preferred 0.00%
Convertible 0.00%

Bond Ratings

US Government 0.00%
AAA --
AA --
A --
BBB --
BB --
B --
Below B --
Other --

Equity Holdings

Average WIEFX Category Average
Price/Earnings 0.05 19.5
Price/Book 0.4 2.01
Price/Sales 0.47 1.61
Price/Cashflow 0.08 11.12
Median Market Cap 47,328.47 55,008.26
3 Year Earnings Growth 20.28 3.07

Bond Holdings

Average WIEFX Category Average
Maturity -- 1.62
Duration -- 1.75
Credit Quality -- --

Performance & Risk

YTD Return 12.22%
5y Average Return 7.98%
Rank in Category (ytd) 20
% Rank in Category (ytd) --
Beta (5Y Monthly) 0.94
Morningstar Risk Rating

Fund Overview

Category Foreign Large Blend
Fund Family Boston Trust Walden Funds
Net Assets 176.27M
YTD Return 13.41%
Yield 1.41%
Morningstar Rating
Inception Date Jun 09, 2015

Fund Summary

The fund invests, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its assets in a diversified portfolio of equity securities of large and middle capitalization companies located in developed countries. Equity securities, including ordinary shares, are also known as common stock. The Adviser evaluates how financially material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors may affect a company's revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities, and overall risk.

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