Nasdaq - Delayed Quote USD

Prospector Capital Appreciation (PCAFX)

23.04 +0.15 (+0.66%)
As of 8:06 AM EDT. Market Open.

Top 7 Holdings (21.72% of Total Assets)

SymbolCompany% Assets
First American Funds, Inc. - Treasury Obligations Fund 5.50%
Eaton Corporation plc 3.58%
Abbott Laboratories 2.60%
Brown & Brown, Inc. 2.58%
Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited 2.53%
Curtiss-Wright Corporation 2.52%
Hess Corporation 2.41%

Sector Weightings

Industrials   15.02%
Technology   13.18%
Healthcare   12.69%
Energy   7.50%
Real Estate   3.86%
Utilities   0.00%

Overall Portfolio Composition (%)

Cash 5.97%
Stocks 75.87%
Bonds 0.00%
Others 0.81%
Preferred 0.00%
Convertible 17.36%

Bond Ratings

US Government 0.00%
AAA --
AA --
A --
BBB --
BB --
B --
Below B --
Other --

Equity Holdings

Average PCAFX Category Average
Price/Earnings 0.06 23.97
Price/Book 0.38 3.32
Price/Sales 0.4 2.32
Price/Cashflow 0.07 15.25
Median Market Cap 31,129.13 71,331.74
3 Year Earnings Growth 12.65 14.71

Bond Holdings

Average PCAFX Category Average
Maturity -- 5.41
Duration 0.87 4.69
Credit Quality -- --

Performance & Risk

YTD Return 10.72%
5y Average Return 9.91%
Rank in Category (ytd) 35
% Rank in Category (ytd) --
Beta (5Y Monthly) 0.90
Morningstar Risk Rating

Fund Overview

Category Allocation--70% to 85% Equity
Fund Family Prospector Funds
Net Assets 43.31M
YTD Return 12.69%
Yield 0.46%
Morningstar Rating
Inception Date Sep 28, 2007

Fund Summary

Under normal market conditions, the fund invests primarily in a variety of equity and equity-related securities, including common stocks, convertible preferred and convertible debt securities. The Advisor attempts to buy investments priced to generate long-term total returns significantly above those of general stock indices and U.S. treasuries. Using a value orientation, the Investment Manager invests in positions in the United States and other developed markets. The fund may invest without regard to market capitalization.

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