Istanbul - Delayed Quote TRY

Isik Plastik Sanayi ve Dis Ticaret Pazarlama Anonim Sirketi (ISKPL.IS)

At close: March 3 at 6:08:01 PM GMT+3

Key Executives

Amounts are as of -- and compensation values are for the last fiscal year ending on that date. Pay is salary, bonuses, etc. Exercised is the value of options exercised during the fiscal year. Currency in TRY.
NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Abdullah Ceker Vice Chairman of the Board & GM -- -- 1979
Guven Celikay Assistant General Manager for Financial Affairs -- -- 1968
Esra Ceker Member of Management Board -- -- --

Isik Plastik Sanayi ve Dis Ticaret Pazarlama Anonim Sirketi

Tahtakale Mahallesi Uzunçarsi Caddesi No:216/1
90 212 513 66 17
Full Time Employees: 


Isik Plastik Sanayi ve Dis Ticaret Pazarlama Anonim Sirketi manufactures and sells plastic products in Turkey and internationally. It provides disposable containers, food packaging, industrial plates, compounds, and masterbatches from plastic raw materials. The company also solid polycarbonate and acrylic sheets, pet-G sheets, multiwall sheets, noise barriers, and accessories; and drinking cups, plates, yogurt and ayran cups, deli pots, and lids. Isik Plastik Sanayi ve Dis Ticaret Pazarlama Anonim Sirketi was founded in 1988 and is based in Istanbul, Turkey.

Corporate Governance

Isik Plastik Sanayi ve Dis Ticaret Pazarlama Anonim Sirketi’s ISS Governance QualityScore as of N/A is N/A. The pillar scores are Audit: N/A; Board: N/A; Shareholder Rights: N/A; Compensation: N/A.
Corporate governance scores courtesy of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) Scores indicate decile rank relative to index or region. A decile score of 1 indicates lower governance risk, while a 10 indicates higher governance risk.

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