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GMO Resources I (GEACX)

21.12 +0.27 (+1.29%)
At close: 8:00 PM EDT

Top 10 Holdings (38.60% of Total Assets)

SymbolCompany% Assets
Kosmos Energy Ltd. 5.31%
Darling Ingredients Inc. 4.17%
Glencore plc 4.15%
Galp Energia, SGPS, S.A. 4.08%
Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. 4.08%
BP p.l.c. 3.64%
ConocoPhillips 3.63%
PETR4 3.51%
Shell plc 3.38%
BRAP4 2.66%

Sector Weightings

Energy   47.88%
Technology   6.88%
Industrials   5.45%
Utilities   0.99%
Real Estate   0.40%
Healthcare   0.00%

Overall Portfolio Composition (%)

Cash 0.42%
Stocks 98.23%
Bonds 1.36%
Others 0.00%
Preferred 0.00%
Convertible 0.00%

Bond Ratings

US Government 1.36%
AAA --
AA --
A --
BBB --
BB --
B --
Below B --
Other --

Equity Holdings

Average GEACX Category Average
Price/Earnings 0.09 23.95
Price/Book 0.71 2.52
Price/Sales 1.14 1.9
Price/Cashflow 0.22 12.09
Median Market Cap 12,515.66 25,419.97
3 Year Earnings Growth 39.05 3.87

Bond Holdings

Average GEACX Category Average
Maturity -- --
Duration 5.02 --
Credit Quality -- --

Performance & Risk

YTD Return -7.89%
5y Average Return 0.00%
Rank in Category (ytd) 81
% Rank in Category (ytd) --
Beta (5Y Monthly) 1.10
Morningstar Risk Rating

Fund Overview

Category Natural Resources
Fund Family GMO
Net Assets 2.14B
YTD Return -7.54%
Yield 3.35%
Morningstar Rating
Inception Date Jan 22, 2021

Fund Summary

Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 80% of its assets in the securities of companies in that sector. The fund's managers consider the “natural resources sector” to include companies that own, produce, refine, process, transport, and market natural resources and companies that provide related equipment, infrastructure, and services. The fund manager seeks to achieve the fund’s investment objective by investing the fund’s assets primarily in equities of companies in the natural resources sector.

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