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Emerald Insights Institutional (EFCIX)

19.62 +0.20 (+1.03%)
At close: 8:00 PM EDT

Top 10 Holdings (52.04% of Total Assets)

SymbolCompany% Assets
NVIDIA Corporation 11.32%
Microsoft Corporation 10.50%
Apple Inc. 7.84%
AMZN, Inc. 5.44%
Alphabet Inc. 5.22%
Meta Platforms, Inc. 3.66%
Broadcom Inc. 2.67%
First American Funds, Inc. - Government Obligations Fund 1.83%
Insmed Incorporated 1.80%
CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. 1.75%

Sector Weightings

Technology   42.69%
Healthcare   13.33%
Industrials   5.47%
Energy   5.14%
Utilities   1.38%
Real Estate   0.00%

Overall Portfolio Composition (%)

Cash 1.79%
Stocks 98.21%
Bonds 0.00%
Others 0.00%
Preferred 0.00%
Convertible 0.00%

Bond Ratings

US Government 0.00%
AAA --
AA --
A --
BBB --
BB --
B --
Below B --
Other --

Equity Holdings

Average EFCIX Category Average
Price/Earnings 0.03 34.82
Price/Book 0.14 8.34
Price/Sales 0.24 4.62
Price/Cashflow 0.05 23.95
Median Market Cap 168,570.44 310,214.47
3 Year Earnings Growth 30.94 23.61

Bond Holdings

Average EFCIX Category Average
Maturity -- 3.63
Duration -- 2.73
Credit Quality -- --

Performance & Risk

YTD Return 11.54%
5y Average Return 17.58%
Rank in Category (ytd) 61
% Rank in Category (ytd) --
Beta (5Y Monthly) 1.16
Morningstar Risk Rating

Fund Overview

Category Large Growth
Fund Family Emerald
Net Assets 22.94M
YTD Return 18.08%
Yield 0.00%
Morningstar Rating
Inception Date Aug 01, 2014

Fund Summary

Under normal conditions, the fund typically invests in equity securities of U.S. and foreign companies, including common stocks, preferred stocks, and securities convertible into common or preferred stocks. It can invest in companies from a wide range of industries and of various sizes. The fund will invest primarily in mid and small-size companies.

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