YAHOO FINANCE CHARTBOOK 44 charts that explain markets and the economy right now ASX - Delayed Quote • AUD AusQuest Limited (AQD.AX) Follow Compare 0.0410 -0.0020 (-4.65%) As of 1:21:50 PM GMT+11. Market Open. All News Press Releases SEC Filings All SEC Filings Corporate Changes & Voting Matters Periodic Financial Reports Proxy Statements Tender Offer/Acquisition Reports Offering Registrations Positive Signs As Multiple Insiders Buy AusQuest Stock When a single insider purchases stock, it is typically not a major deal. However, when multiple insiders purchase... Performance Overview Trailing total returns as of 1/29/2025, which may include dividends or other distributions. Benchmark is S&P/ASX 200 [XJO] Return AQD.AX S&P/ASX 200 [XJO] YTD +412.50% +3.89% 1-Year +241.67% +11.85% 3-Year +141.18% +21.29%