NYSEArca - Nasdaq Real Time Price USD

iShares Agency Bond ETF (AGZ)

As of 2:23:09 PM EDT. Market Open.

Top 0 Holdings (-- of Total Assets)

Sector Weightings

Overall Portfolio Composition (%)

Stocks 0.00%
Bonds 92.69%

Equity Holdings

Price/Earnings 0
Price/Book 0
Price/Sales 0
Price/Cashflow 0
Median Market Cap --
3 Year Earnings Growth --

Bond Ratings

US Government 97.61%
AAA 0.00%
AA 100.00%
A 0.00%
BBB 0.00%
BB 0.00%
B 0.00%
Below B 0.00%
Other 0.00%

ETF Summary

The index measures the performance of the agency sector of the U.S. government bond market and is composed of investment-grade U.S. dollar-denominated publicly-issued government agency bonds or debentures. The fund will invest at least 80% of its assets in the component securities of the index and TBAs that have economic characteristics that are substantially identical to the economic characteristics of the component securities of the index.

ETF Overview

Category Short Government
Fund Family iShares
Net Assets 700.44M
YTD Daily Total Return 1.51%
Yield 3.47%
Legal Type Exchange Traded Fund

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