Taipei Exchange - Delayed Quote TWD

Epoch Chemtronics Corp. (3633.TWO)

At close: 12:51:42 PM GMT+8

Key Executives

Amounts are as of -- and compensation values are for the last fiscal year ending on that date. Pay is salary, bonuses, etc. Exercised is the value of options exercised during the fiscal year. Currency in TWD.
NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Gu Huan Liu General Manager -- -- --
Bing Yu Wang Manager of Finance Department -- -- --
Yuwen Xu Accounting supervisor: -- -- --

Epoch Chemtronics Corp.

No. 35, Xintai Road
5F-1 Hsinchu County
Zhubei City, 302
886 3 554 5488


Epoch Chemtronics Corp. manufactures and sells LED backlight modules, LGP, and LED lighting equipment in Taiwan. It offers LED products, including EpoSmiley, EpoLoveWing, down light, EpoSlim, Mini EpoSlender, panel light, EpoXcube, EpoSlender, and EpoFlorium lights. The company was founded in 1997 and is based in Zhubei City, Taiwan.

Corporate Governance

Epoch Chemtronics Corp.’s ISS Governance QualityScore as of N/A is N/A. The pillar scores are Audit: N/A; Board: N/A; Shareholder Rights: N/A; Compensation: N/A.
Corporate governance scores courtesy of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) Scores indicate decile rank relative to index or region. A decile score of 1 indicates lower governance risk, while a 10 indicates higher governance risk.

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