Tokyo - Delayed Quote JPY

GLP J-REIT (3281.T)

At close: 3:30:00 PM GMT+9

Key Executives

Amounts are as of -- and compensation values are for the last fiscal year ending on that date. Pay is salary, bonuses, etc. Exercised is the value of options exercised during the fiscal year. Currency in JPY.
NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Yuma Kawatsuji President of GLP Japan Advisors, Inc. & Executive Director -- -- --
Shinji Yagiba Chief Financial Officer of GLP Japan Advisors Inc. -- -- 1988
Tetsuya Kono Head of Investment Department of GLP Japan Advisors, Inc. -- -- --


2-2-1 Yaesu
Tokyo, 104-0028
81 3 6897 8810
Real Estate
REIT - Industrial


GLP J-REIT is a Japanese real estate investment corporation specializing in modern logistics facilities in Japan. GLP J-REIT was established on September 16, 2011 under the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations of Japan (hereinafter the "Investment Trust Act of Japan"). GLP J-REIT is externally managed by a licensed asset management company, GLP Japan Advisors Inc. (hereinafter "Asset Manager") which operates with support of GLP Capital Partners Japan Inc. (a 100% shareholder of the Asset Manager) based on the Sponsor Support Agreement. Since its initial public offering on December 20, 2012, GLP J-REIT has, on a number of occasions, issued units through public offering or through allocation to a third party. Those units are listed on the J-REIT section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. As of August 31, 2023, GLP J-REIT held beneficiary rights of real estate in trust with respect to 92 properties located in the Tokyo metropolitan area, the Greater Osaka area and other areas.

Corporate Governance

GLP J-REIT’s ISS Governance QualityScore as of N/A is N/A. The pillar scores are Audit: N/A; Board: N/A; Shareholder Rights: N/A; Compensation: N/A.
Corporate governance scores courtesy of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) Scores indicate decile rank relative to index or region. A decile score of 1 indicates lower governance risk, while a 10 indicates higher governance risk.

Upcoming Events

April 15, 2025 at 6:00 AM UTC - April 18, 2025 at 6:00 AM UTC

GLP J-REIT Earnings Date

Recent Events

February 27, 2025 at 12:00 AM UTC

Ex-Dividend Date