COMEBACK OF THE YEAR Robinhood’s profit surge reclaims the spotlight Symbols similar to '2FIC.BE' All Stocks Mutual Funds ETFs Indices Futures Currencies Cryptocurrencies Symbol Name Last Price Sector / Category Type Exchange 2FSC.BE FLEXSHS T.-STOXX G.B.IN.I 53.20 -- ETFs BER AFIC.BE AIS-Am.I.Eq.Gl.M.Sm.Allo.Sc.B.A 650.10 -- ETFs BER 2FI.BE - 12.67 -- Stocks BER 2FIC.BE - 100.77 -- Stocks BER 2FID.BE - 104.80 -- Stocks BER Rows per page 25 25 50 100 1-0 of 0 Related News