Saudi - Delayed Quote SAR

Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (2030.SR)

At close: March 3 at 3:18:38 PM GMT+3

Key Executives

Amounts are as of -- and compensation values are for the last fiscal year ending on that date. Pay is salary, bonuses, etc. Exercised is the value of options exercised during the fiscal year. Currency in SAR.
NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Khalid bin Mohammad Al Qazlan Chief Executive Officer -- -- --
Mr. Abdullah bin Rashid Al-Rafiah Member of Management Board -- -- --
Mr. Ammar bin Muhammad Al-Abadi Member of Management Board -- -- --
Fahd Muhammad Al-Habardi Independent Director & Secretary -- -- --

Saudi Arabian Refineries Company

Adham Commercial Center
Madinah Road PO Box 1113 Al-Ruwais
Jeddah, 21431
Saudi Arabia
966 12 653 0289


Saudi Arabian Refineries Company, together with its subsidiary, engages in the extraction of crude oil in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company is involved in the construction of refineries and petrochemical plants; buying and selling of lands and real estate; and management and leasing of non-residential real estate properties, as well as dealing in securities. It also invests in local companies. Saudi Arabian Refineries Company was incorporated in 1960 and is based in Jeddah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Corporate Governance

Saudi Arabian Refineries Company’s ISS Governance QualityScore as of N/A is N/A. The pillar scores are Audit: N/A; Board: N/A; Shareholder Rights: N/A; Compensation: N/A.
Corporate governance scores courtesy of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) Scores indicate decile rank relative to index or region. A decile score of 1 indicates lower governance risk, while a 10 indicates higher governance risk.

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