Shenzhen - Delayed Quote CNY

Bosera Fuyang 1-Y Interval Pure Bd (0P0001J0ZJ.SZ)

1.1123 +0.0009 (+0.08%)
At close: December 14 at 4:00:00 AM GMT+8

Fund Summary

Bosera Fuyang 1-Y Interval Pure Bd

21F, Fund Bd, No. 5999, Yitian Rd, Futian Dist, Shenzhen City, Guangdong

Fund Overview

Category --
Fund Family Bosera Asset Management Co., Limited
Net Assets 1.09B
YTD Return 2.90%
Yield 0.00%
Morningstar Rating --
Inception Date Jan 15, 2020

Fund Operations

Last Dividend 0.01
Last Cap Gain --
Holdings Turnover 0.00%
Average for Category --

Fees & Expenses

Expense 0P0001J0ZJ.SZ Category Average
Annual Report Expense Ratio (net) 0.00% --
Prospectus Net Expense Ratio 0.00% --
Prospectus Gross Expense Ratio 0.00% --
Max 12b1 Fee -- --
Max Front End Sales Load -- --
Max Deferred Sales Load -- --
3 Yr Expense Projection 0 --
5 Yr Expense Projection 0 --
10 Yr Expense Projection 0 --

Management Information

2012-至今 博时基金/历任固定收益研究助理、研究员、高级研究员、高级研究员兼基金经理助理。现任博时富安纯债3个月定期开放债券型发起式证券投资基金、博时富乾纯债3个月定期开放债券型发起式证券投资基金、博时民丰纯债债券型证券投资基金、博时华盈纯债债券型证券投资基金、博时广利纯债3个月定期开放债券型发起式证券投资基金、博时裕腾纯债债券型证券投资基金、博时裕乾纯债债券型证券投资基金、博时富和纯债债券型证券投资基金的基金经理。

Morningstar Style Box

Morningstar Category

While the investment objective stated in a fund's prospectus may or may not reflect how the fund actually invests, the Morningstar category is assigned based on the underlying securities in each portfolio. Morningstar categories help investors and investment professionals make meaningful comparisons between funds. The categories make it easier to build well-diversified portfolios, assess potential risk, and identify top-performing funds. We place funds in a given category based on their portfolio statistics and compositions over the past three years. If the fund is new and has no portfolio history, we estimate where it will fall before giving it a more permanent category assignment. When necessary, we may change a category assignment based on recent changes to the portfolio.

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