YAHOO FINANCE CHARTBOOK 44 charts that explain markets and the economy right now Munich - Delayed Quote • EUR Streamwide (07R.MU) Follow Compare 32.40 0.00 (0.00%) At close: 8:14:39 AM GMT+1 All News Press Releases SEC Filings All SEC Filings Corporate Changes & Voting Matters Periodic Financial Reports Proxy Statements Tender Offer/Acquisition Reports Offering Registrations Critical industries require a critical technology ecosystem As critical industries adopt technologies that rely on video, analytics and cloud delivered software solutions, there will also need to be increased scrutiny. Performance Overview Trailing total returns as of 1/28/2025, which may include dividends or other distributions. Benchmark is CAC 40 Return 07R.MU CAC 40 YTD +4.52% +7.98% 1-Year +47.27% +3.45% 3-Year +6.58% +12.44%