PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - July 1

July 1 (Reuters) - The following are the top stories in the Financial Times. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.


UK unveils emergency legislation to protect domestic steelmakers

Brussels calls temporary truce in Brexit 'sausage wars'

Financial services sector set for carve-out from new global tax rules


Britain on Wednesday introduced emergency legislation to protect domestic steel producers from a flood of cheap imports, ripping a hole in the government's post-Brexit trade regime.

The European Union has agreed a temporary truce with the UK on the vexed issue of meat shipments entering Northern Ireland from Great Britain, but warned it will not provide a "blank cheque" on the suspension of post-Brexit Irish Sea checks.

Britain is set to secure an exemption for financial services from new global tax system, in a move that would ensure the City of London's largest banks do not pay more tax on their profits in other countries.

(Compiled by Bengaluru newsroom)
