Zacks Market Edge Highlights: JPMorgan Chase, NVIDIA, PayPal and Block

In This Article:

For Immediate Release

Chicago, IL – January 27, 2022 – Zacks Market Edge is a podcast hosted weekly by Zacks Stock Strategist Tracey Ryniec. Every week, Tracey will be joined by guests to discuss the hottest investing topics in stocks, bonds and ETFs and how it impacts your life. To listen to the podcast, click here:

Lessons from 7 Years of Stock Investing

Welcome to Episode #300 of the Zacks Market Edge Podcast.

  • (0:45) - 7 Years Of Investing: Learning From The Past

  • (4:00) - Navigating Market Corrections and Crashes

  • (11:35) - The Cyclical Cycle of Semiconductors

  • (16:10) - The Impact of The Fed: Inflation Fears

  • (22:35) - 2022 Portfolio Strategy: How To Plan Your Investments

  • (27:00) - Why Is It Hard To Buy High Flying Stocks

  • (31:30) - Episode Roundup: XOM, JPM, PYPL, SQ, NVDA, MU, TTD, AAPL, FB




Every week, host and Zacks stock strategist, Tracey Ryniec, will be joined by guests to discuss the hottest investing topics in stocks, bonds and ETFs and how it impacts your life.

This week, Tracey is joined by Zacks Senior Stock Strategist, Kevin Cook, to celebrate the 300th episode of Zacks Market Edge.

It’s Been a Crazy Ride Over the Last 7 Years

Tracey took the airwaves in 2015 to talk about stocks and the economy each week on a podcast, and ended up covering “new” technologies like the blockchain and bitcoin, along with the old standbys of gold and oil.

There was a manufacturing recession in 2015 and a total global economy recession during the pandemic in 2020.

Brexit and the semiconductor rally dominated, along with the 2017 corporate tax cuts and 2018 Federal Reserve rate increases.

How’d They Do?

This week Tracey and Kevin discuss everything investors have been through over the past 7 years, including a 23% sell-off in the NASDAQ in 2018. Who remembers that?

They also discuss some of their mistakes and lessons learned navigating the stock market, as well as where stocks might go from here in 2022.

Remember: those who have an investing plan will have an edge.

Mistakes, and Wins, Over the Last 7 Years

1.       ExxonMobil XOM

After crude plunged in 2014-2015, it seemed like the stocks, like ExxonMobil, were cheap.

ExxonMobil’s earnings rebounded by 2016. Tracey bought in, thinking the worst of the energy bear market was over.

But it was not to be. ExxonMobil shares have lagged the S&P 500 horribly for years. Over the last 5 years, ExxonMobil is down 15% while the S&P 500 is up 90%.