Women in Energy: Amy Chronis, Deloitte

Presented by:

Oil and Gas Investor
Oil and Gas Investor

Amy Chronis was thrown into the exciting frontier of the energy business in Houston in the early ’80s.

“It was an exciting frontier then, and it’s still an exciting frontier today,” she said.

Chronis has described her experiences serving companies in times of turmoil as “highly educational and formative.” It was through this and multiple subsequent industry cycles that she was able to develop the leadership skills necessary to become a partner and head her own team.

Chronis honed her dedication to her teams and her clients successfully navigating her team from Arthur Anderson to Deloitte in 2002.

“With great consideration, I ultimately chose Deloitte knowing that the company and culture would prove the best fit for my team and for our clients,” she said. “I strongly believe that adversity brings out our true character and gives you wisdom and ultimately builds trust and strengthens relationships.”

From there, she continued to take on ever growing challenges and leadership roles.

Opportunistic frontier

“When I was graduating from university, Texas and the energy industry in particular were portrayed as a great frontier of exciting opportunity for anyone willing to work hard. It remains so today! From interesting forensic investigations, travel projects, unusual and complex transactions, operating company assignments, public offerings, teaching opportunities (mentorship and developing teams), nonprofit and civic responsibilities, industry specific programs—so many pivotal and significant projects. Most recently, speaking and participating with the World Petroleum Congress in December, as well as my just-finished tenure as the chair of the Greater Houston Partnership board, were all greatly memorable.”

Forward-looking outlook

“It’s important to be able to articulate a vision and clear point of view. Especially in today’s environment, people look to team leaders to provide forward-looking perspectives and keep people motivated by working toward shared goals.”

Multiplier effect

“While oil and gas remain a key source of energy, companies are becoming more and more focused on low-carbon possibilities and navigating the future of the industry. Organizations will need to inventory how well equipped their business model is to adapt to future change and disruption. Although timelines may differ, participating in the transition to the lower-carbon future can unlock a multiplier effect and establish a new equation for companies across the spectrum. Companies that balance their internal transformation and corporate vision, leave room for innovation and agility, and set a strong lower-carbon foundation are likely on the right path.”