Why I’ve Had Trouble Writing About Politics Since The Election And How I’m Solving It

Originally published by Hunter Walk on LinkedIn: Why I’ve Had Trouble Writing About Politics Since The Election And How I’m Solving It

There’ve been dozens of blog posts I’ve wanted to write since November 9th. Election Week I was working from New York City and had already blocked out Wednesday morning for “recovery.” I fully expected this was going to be a severe hangover from revelry celebrating our nation’s first female President. Instead it meant getting a straight razor shave to clean away a three month old “rally beard” and deleting the entirety of my Twitter history — roughly 50,000 tweets sent over 10 years (as part of a general cleansing, not because I regretted any of the content).

I’ve continued being outspoken on social media about my political beliefs and will remain vocal. Loudly and without fear. But it’s been difficult to write anything longer. Why? A combination of reasons. My emotions are raw. There were many other hot takes. I didn’t want to speak on behalf of Silicon Valley. I wanted to suggest specific actions and was still figuring out my own plans.

But writing helps me think and helps me commit, so waiting for the “perfect post” became a bigger and bigger obstacle. Instead of attempting to craft something, I’m going to try a different route.

With a hat-tip to Ryan Dawidjan, I’m gonna just keep a single Google Doc where I dump in thoughts, feelings and suggestions about how we can move forward as a progressive political community -> http://bit.ly/HunterWalkPolitics. Maybe every once in a while I’ll write a standalone post here and include a link within the Google Doc, but otherwise I’ll tweet out updates every now and then if I think there’s something useful.

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