Why The F*ck Can’t We Fix “CRM”?

Originally published by John Battelle on LinkedIn: Why The F*ck Can’t We Fix “CRM”?

Please, let’s build the platform that finally connects business with its customers, at scale, in context, and with true value exchange.

From time to time we all get great ideas, but then we do nothing about them. But this one has been running around my head for years, and recently, I’ve had this conversation with enough people that seemed time to simply write it down — and hope releasing it into the universe might possibly help bring it to fruition in some way.

Because damn, we all need this thing to exist.

The idea is simple: an easy to use, consumer friendly platform that connects businesses — all manner of them — to their customers so they can work out issues, share information, and maybe, just maybe, be in an actual relationship. It sounds obvious, but it’s proven insanely difficult to do.

Backstory: I’ve been talking about moving a company’s marketing and communications approach from one of advertising and sales to one of conversation and relationship for more than a decade. I thought social media was the obvious sea change we needed to get there, but so far, I’ve been proven wrong (does anybody remember the conversation economy?!).

Think about it. When you have a problem with a company or its products, what do you do? Pick up the phone? That’s evolved from mild purgatory to utter hell — automated voice bots and indifferent, often passive-aggressive phone agents. Complain on Twitter? If the company is active on Twitter (or Facebook), you’ll likely get a response, but whoever’s on the other end will have no idea who you are, and most likely won’t be able to solve your problem (Comcast, you’re an exception, but damn, your trucks are still dumb terminals…). Email? Good luck with that. Whoever answers customer email is most certainly going to push you to a useless website, a bot-filled voice mail tree, or back to social media, where you get to start all over again.

How did it come to this? Nearly every company operating at scale (and honestly, my product idea must also work at “sub scale,” but more on that at another time) has already invested in expensive “CRM” software that supposedly fixes all this. But of course, none of it does. The agents on the phone have no idea that you’ve complained over Twitter, for example. They have no understanding of your purchase history, of your past complaints (or positive input, if they ever garnered any), or how much (and how many times) the marketing department has attempted to convince you to take one action or another through targeted advertising. In fact, they have absolutely no idea who you really are, and for whatever reason, they seem unable to fix that situation. Data silos, I’m told. Damn data silos.