Why China tolerates animal markets that produce deadly viruses

It seems like a no-brainer: Outlaw the live animal markets that propagate pathogens like the coronavirus, which has killed at least 208,000 people worldwide and roiled the global economy.

Yet despite global outrage, China’s markets are likely to keep selling bats, pangolins, civets, snakes, hawks, turtles and hundreds of other species, either legally or illicitly. While repulsive to many westerners, wildlife is a staple of both Chinese diets and Chinese medicine, with some traditions dating back centuries. Efforts to ban China’s wildlife trade would only push trafficking into gray or black markets, leaving the viral threat intact.

“It is striking that a country so good at control hasn’t been able to do a better job of this,” Orville Schell of the Asia Society tells Yahoo Finance. “As tightly controlled as China is, there are parts of its societal structure that are very decentralized. It’s very hard to control what goes on in the markets.”

Researchers think coronavirus and the Covid-19 disease it causes originated in a huge market in Wuhan, China, where vendors sold live and slaughtered wildlife along with processed meat, seafood, produce and other types of food. The highly contagious virus, which probably passed from bats to humans in Wuhan late last year, has been detected in 3 million people in dozens of countries, and there are probably millions of additional undetected cases. The virus linked with the SARS outbreak in 2003 also likely came from an animal market in China. HIV, Ebola and other viruses have probably come from animal markets elsewhere in the world.

WUHAN, CHINA - APRIL 25:(CHINA OUT)Customers wear protective masks while her make call on chair at an IKEA store on April 25, 2020 in Wuhan, China. IKEA Wuhan Branch resumed business on April 21.the government started lifting outbound travel restrictions on April 8 from Wednesday after almost 11 weeks of lockdown to stem the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by Getty Images)
Customers wear protective masks while her make call on chair at an IKEA store on April 25, 2020 in Wuhan, China. IKEA Wuhan Branch resumed business on April 21.the government started lifting outbound travel restrictions on April 8 from Wednesday after almost 11 weeks of lockdown to stem the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by Getty Images)

U.S. and European officials have pressed China to shutter the markets. “It boggles my mind when we have so many diseases that emanate out of that unusual human-animal interface that we don’t just shut it down,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government’s top infectious disease expert, said in an April 3 interview. “I don’t know what else has to happen to get us to appreciate that.”

China’s central government banned some trade in wild animals earlier this year. Some provinces with powerful regional governments have enacted stricter bans. Yet China’s wild animal trade is likely to continue one way or another, because of strong demand for the products—just as demand for heroin or street opioids generates robust business here in the United States, even though it’s illegal.

“For the Covid pandemic to significantly decrease wildlife trafficking, it would have to reduce demand for wildlife products,” says Vanda Felbab-Brown of the Brookings Institution, author of the 2017 book “The Extinction Market,” about illegal poaching. “International pressure can play a role, but the other element is turning off 2 billion people from consuming wildlife products. A ban is insufficient unless you also mount a campaign to reduce demand.”