Vranken-Pommery Monopole - 2024 First-Half Turnover- Consolidated turnover € 108 million (-5,8%) First half on track in a declining market

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Consolidated turnover € 108 million (-5,8%)

First half on track in a declining market











€ 108 million


€ 94 million


€ 14 million


compared to H1 2023







*under audit

Reims, July 18, 2024

Vranken-Pommery Monopole's H1 2024 sales came to €108m (-5.8% on H1 2023). This marks the 3rd consecutive year of sales in excess of € 100 million, and is 24% higher than in 2019 (the pre-covid reference year)

Sales are stable in France, but down 8.7% on export, with a marked decline in certain European countries such as Germany and Italy, and Japan due to the devaluation of the yen.

As a result, exports accounted for 64% of half-year consolidated sales, compared with 67% in the first half of 2023.

Champagne Branch

Champagne sales amounted to €94 million, down 6.7% on H1 2023. Volumes were down across the board in all markets, but price increases cushioned the impact.

The Group is pursuing its value-creation strategy based on the quality of its products, its creativity and its strong historical position in France.

To illustrate this ambition, in 2024 Champagne Pommery & Greno presented a new cuvée to mark the 150th anniversary of the creation of Brut in 1874 by Madame Pommery : Pommery Grand Apanage 1874. This multi-millimeter Brut, dedicated to gourmets, offers lovers of great Champagnes a new "Pommery Experience #1", that of taste and the pleasure of tasting.

Wine, Ports and Sparkling Wines Branch

Sales were stable at €14 million.

Poor weather conditions in the regions where rosé wines are most widely consumed had a negative impact on consumer buying decisions, resulting in a 20% drop in sales.

Sales of Ports and Douro Wines rose by 3.5%, thanks to strong export momentum.

Sparkling Wines sales were up in France and Europe, but showed more mixed performances outside Europe.

Société à Mission « la Vérité du Terroir »

The “Comité de Mission” has chosen 2024 as the year to preserve biodiversity.

In all our vineyards and on our production sites, initiatives aimed at protecting soil, conserving water resources and preserving flora and fauna are being promoted both within and outside the Group.

Concrete actions have already been implemented:

  • Restoration of low stone walls that provide shelter for certain plant species and small reptiles.

  • Maintenance of “roubines” in the Camargue region

  • revegetation of embankments

  • Installation of perches for birds of prey

  • Use of plant cover in vineyards to avoid the use of herbicides

  • Planting hedges to attract animals and insects and create biodiversity corridors

  • The installation of 30 beehives connected to 10 sites through the Bee'iodiv project.