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From UT softball to KAT buses, these are my resolutions for 2023 | David Moon

If telling a trusted person your goals can create a useful accountability, perhaps sharing mine with everyone will be even more powerful. Or maybe one of my 2023 resolutions will be useful to someone else – either as a possible goal or something to avoid at all costs.

I am going to write more this year. I am going to journal 15 minutes a day and start a new book. And I am going to write one personal note to someone each day, even if only to say hello.

Text less and call more. Avoid social media. Go to more UT softball games.

Tennessee outfielder Kiki Milloy (9) runs to third during the NCAA Regional Softball game against Campbell at the Sherri Parker Lee Stadium in Knoxville, TN on Friday, May 20, 2022.
Tennessee outfielder Kiki Milloy (9) runs to third during the NCAA Regional Softball game against Campbell at the Sherri Parker Lee Stadium in Knoxville, TN on Friday, May 20, 2022.

Read a well-reviewed book by a political author I despise and am convinced is wrong about everything. Watch fewer political opinion television shows.

Stop making fun of the mental acuity of Mitch McConnell and Joe Biden. Well, maybe I’ll just do it less often. But I will continue making fun of people who waste their time and money on get-rich-quick schemes.

Eat more seafood. Try yoga again. Keep my BMI below my high school ACT score. Remove all the candy from my house. Do 10 bench press repetitions with my body weight. (What I weighed in 8th grade, not now.)

Clean out the “auto subscriptions” on my Apple account and credit card. Clean the unused icons from my computer desktop. Clean my actual desktop. Clean my entire office. Organize my office quarterly, rather than only in leap years. Vacuum my car monthly.

Visit my two kids more, even though they each live more than 700 miles from me - in opposite directions. More quickly admit my mistakes. Get my tractor and mower serviced before May.

Replace my lightning chargers with USB-C chargers – probably just before Apple changes charging protocols again.

Talk to experts about Ukraine, China, battery technology, energy policy, taxpayer funded sports venues, crime and health. Reevaluate everything in my life assuming long-term inflation is at least 4%, not 2.5%.

Be more vocal when I see a scam occurring. Read more nonprofit organization tax returns and write about the taxpayer subsidized and donor funded malfeasances committed under the guise of “service,” even if the organization is local.

Wear a suit and tie more often. Wear blue jeans and work boots more often. Take a cross country train trip.

A new electric bus at Caswell Park in Knoxville, Tenn. on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021. The City of Knoxville and KAT introduced its new all-electric buses which include free wi-fi, USB charging ports and are 50% quieter than a standard vehicle and produce zero emissions.
A new electric bus at Caswell Park in Knoxville, Tenn. on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021. The City of Knoxville and KAT introduced its new all-electric buses which include free wi-fi, USB charging ports and are 50% quieter than a standard vehicle and produce zero emissions.

Figure out the cumulative taxpayer funds used to construct low-income housing projects in Knoxville and the actual percentage of all KAT bus seats occupied throughout the day.

Find a primary care physician whose office phone system allows their customers/patients to talk to a real person.

Read 52 books, at least one of which is fiction. Host my 2023 company Christmas party in November 2023 instead of March 2024.