Twitter Permanently Bans President Donald Trump Citing 'Risk Of Further Incitement Of Violence'

Twitter (NASDAQ: TWTR) announced in a blog post the permanent suspension of President Donald Trump's Twitter account @realDonaldTrump citing "risk of further incitement of violence" following the wake of a pro-Trump mob incited to storm the capitol building earier this week.

The move follows actions from several other lage tech companies, including permanent bans on several other social media outlets like Facebook (NASDAQ: FB), Instagram, Twitch (NASDAQ: AMZN), as well as a removal of Trump-related websites by Shopify (NASDAQ: SHOP)

"In the context of horrific events this week," Twitter said in the post, "we made it clear on Wednesday that additional violations of the Twitter Rules would potentially result in this very course of action. Our public interest framework exists to enable the public to hear from elected officials and world leaders directly. It is built on a principle that the people have a right to hold power to account in the open."

The White House has yet to offer a formal response.

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