Twitter panned the Pennsylvania governor as 'dry toast' after his speech to the DNC

Tom Wolf
Tom Wolf

(Tom Wolf.AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf on Thursday delivered a speech to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia focused on working for his family business and drawing a contrast between his business practices and those of Donald Trump.

The home-state governor had a prime speaking slot at the event and had an interesting perspective from which to attack the Republican nominee.

"After serving in the Peace Corps and earning a Ph.D. from M.I.T., I surprised my family and friends by coming home to Central Pennsylvania to work in the family business, a building materials company where I started out driving a forklift," he said, according to prepared remarks. "Eventually, we became one of the largest suppliers of kitchen cabinets in North America."

"When we contracted with a vendor, we paid them," he continued. "Donald Trump? He stiffed hundreds of small businesses, from plumbers to painters, ruining their companies as he sought to enrich himself. At our company, like at many others across the country, we treated our female employees with respect. When they had kids, we celebrated them, and gave them paid leave. Donald Trump said that pregnant workers are an 'inconvenience,' so it's no surprise that he has put forward no plan for paid family leave."

But Wolf's speech was lost on many Twitter users, who cast his delivery as "boring" and dubbed him "dry toast."

It didn't help that Wolf was followed up by former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who has a much more fiery delivery style.

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