Turbo Energy CEO Issues Formal Operational Update to Shareholders

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Turbo Energy S.A.
Turbo Energy S.A.

VALENCIA, Spain, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mariano Soria, Chief Executive Officer of Turbo Energy, S.A. (NASDAQ:TURB) (“Turbo Energy” or the “Company”), a global provider of leading-edge, AI-optimized solar energy storage technologies and solutions, today issued a formal operational update to the Company’s shareholders on Turbo Energy’s business expansion strategies and key global growth objectives for the coming year.  Soria stated:

“On September 26, 2024, we will celebrate Turbo Energy’s one-year anniversary of completing our Initial Public Offering and commencing trading on The Nasdaq Stock Market. While the past year has been a period during which the world continues to respond to a number of geopolitical, supply chain and inflationary challenges, we have remained squarely focused on our mission to deliver affordable, high performance solar energy storage technologies and solutions which are adaptable to every home, business, industrial plant and government facility on the globe; and through disciplined execution of our defined growth strategies, create sustainable long-term value for our fellow shareholders.

“When reflecting on our accomplishments over the past ten years, we take tremendous pride in having earned Turbo Energy distinction as a leading authority and innovator of patented and patent-pending photovoltaic energy storage solutions in Europe, with distribution partners and customers spanning nine countries throughout the European region. As one of the very first companies worldwide to offer an all-in-one, scalable residential and commercial/industrial solar energy storage system at a competitive price, and one of the only companies to incorporate Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) technology to enable and optimize stored solar energy management, we believe we are now ideally poised to proceed with taking Turbo Energy into its next exciting phase of growth and evolution.

“Make no mistake. Turbo Energy is not another ‘me-too’ solar energy storage company.  On the contrary, our Company, inspired by our dedicated team’s pioneering mindset, is actively pursuing opportunities to leverage our collective decades of industry experience and engineering expertise to effectively address the fast emerging global energy storage market, which market observers are forecasting will reach $506.5 billion by 2031 – up from $245 billion in 2023 (See https://www.statista.com/statistics/1395016/energy-storage-market-size-worldwide-forecast/).  We expect to achieve our goals, guided by our vision and by implementing key business building and global expansion initiatives with defined purpose and discipline.