Trump’s health care sham

More than three and a half years into his four-year term, President Trump has finally revealed something he calls his health care plan. The upcoming election against Democratic nominee Joe Biden might have something to do with it.

Part 1 of Trump’s plan is an executive order declaring Trump’s support for a law that already exists. On Sept. 25, Trump signed an order declaring that it’s the policy of the U.S. government to protect people with preexisting conditions. But the Affordable Care Act, which Congress passed 10 years ago, already prohibits insurers from charging people more if they have preexisting conditions, or denying them coverage. Trump’s order doesn’t enhance that in any way, and it has no legal standing.

Part 2 of Trump’s health care plan is a request to Congress to pass legislation banning surprise medical bills, like those some patients get when they unknowingly get “out of network” care that’s not covered by their insurance. If Congress doesn’t pass such a law by the end of the year—which it won’t—Trump will try to ban surprise billing by executive order, which won’t work because the president can’t enact laws on his own.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden delivers remarks after meeting with Pennsylvania families who have benefited from the Affordable Care Act on June 25, 2020 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. - Biden has largely remained off the campaign trail and in his Delaware home since mid-March due to the pandemic, although he has begun participating in small-scale events. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden delivers remarks after meeting with Pennsylvania families who have benefited from the Affordable Care Act on June 25, 2020 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

Part 3 is some free money for seniors, if Trump can find $6 billion somewhere and reappropriate it without provoking a lawsuit. Trump says he’ll send 33 million seniors a $200 discount card to defray the cost of prescription drugs. If this actually happens, you can bet the cards will have the Trump name on them, to remind recipients who’s giving them the free money. The money would supposedly come from the savings from another dubious program that hasn’t gone into effect yet, suggesting seniors may never see the discount cards. Trump could try to divert the $6 billion from some other program, but that would likely produce litigation and long delays.

There are other plans Trump has rolled out before to import drugs from Canada—where prices are substantially lower—and allow some Americans to buy cheaper health insurance with fewer benefits. Add it all up and Trump can claim that as his first term ends, he finally has a health care plan that ought to earn him a second term.

‘Overblown’ and ‘bizarre’

But Trump’s plan is unlikely to change anything at all. In an analysis of the Trump announcements, Beacon Policy Advisors called the new measures “several of the most bizarre executive orders that he has yet released. Regarding pre-existing conditions, Trump’s order is perhaps the most overblown of his whole term thus far. While these executive orders may give the president ammunition to use against Biden during the upcoming presidential debates, we expect that it will only appeal to the lowest of low information voters.”