Trump's economic agenda is stalling

President Donald Trump has made bold-faced headlines with his hotly contested immigration ban and other controversial executive orders. But Trump’s economic plan — which resonated most with voters and arguably won him the election — is fading as a priority amid the usual infighting in Washington.

Trump’s agenda for his first 100 days includes new legislation to cut taxes, repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and fund a big infrastructure program, plus a reworking of the North American Free Trade Agreement. But all of those plans are hitting hurdles, in Congress and elsewhere, and it could take much longer to enact them than Trump has promised. Some may never go into effect.

Trump has been in office for less than a month, and nobody expected him to pass complicated legislation in a matter of days. But after Trump won last November, stocks surged on the expectation of quick action, especially with regard to tax cuts. Now, as Congressional Republicans try to turn Trump’s campaign promises into actual laws, disagreement among GOP factions and obstruction by Democrats augur a much slower pace of action than markets may have anticipated. Some investors are now lowering their expectations for business-friendly new policies that will goose the economy, and exiting the so-called Trump trade. The promise of tax cuts, friendlier regulation and stimulus spending on infrastructure sent stocks soaring after the election, and if those measures don’t materialize in 2017, markets may give back the gains.

Here’s the outlook for Trump’s four biggest economic initiatives:

Tax cuts

With Republicans controlling the White House and both chambers of Congress, the stars seem to have aligned in favor of tax reform that lowers rates, closes loopholes and makes the US economy more competitive. There’s one pitfall, however: If lost revenue from tax cuts isn’t offset by spending cuts, annual deficits will soar, something Republican budget hawks aren’t willing to allow. One prominent plan would offset lost revenue through new taxes on imports, but that has already triggered opposition from big US companies like Wal-Mart (WMT) and Target (TGT), along with consumer groups that say ordinary Americans will bear the cost of import taxes.

Trump said in a recent interview that tax cuts might pass Congress by the end of the year. But that may be optimistic. “The big story here is the glacial Senate, already bogged down in bitter infighting,” Greg Valliere, chief global strategist for Horizon Investments, wrote recently to clients. “The economic impact of tax reform may not hit until well into 2018.” Tax cuts might also be more modest than Trump would like, if Republicans can’t agree on how to make up for lost revenue.