Trump needs to do more to get more Americans online

Trump’s proposed infrastructure plan doesn’t do enough to improve broadband internet access to Americans.
Trump’s proposed infrastructure plan doesn’t do enough to improve broadband internet access to Americans.

President Trump’s massive infrastructure plan may speed your commute, if it passes, but it almost certainly won’t help you browse the web any faster.

The plan barely mentions broadband infrastructure — the systems of cables, wires, conduits, towers and transmitters that bring the internet to you. The word “broadband” appears only four times in the 53-page document, and that’s not because the White House threw in a lot of synonyms. The plan reserves no money for broadband expansion, nor does it offer any action items for broadband beyond urging Congress to make it easier for wireless carriers to install smaller transmitters.

Considering Congress’ general inability to make progress in tech policy, no matter how obvious the need, the House and the Senate probably won’t revise this plan to make a dent in the lingering problem of inadequate online access. But if they wanted to, here’s what they could do with it.

Dig once, for once

The most obvious missing internet-access ingredient is a two-word phrase: “dig once.” The infrastructure plan doesn’t require that projects paid for with the $1.5 trillion in new spending it projects (of which only $200 billion would come from the federal government) include capacity for broadband.

Dig-once rules aren’t a new idea — Rep. Anna Eshoo (D.-Calif.) first proposed a bill making them part of federal infrastructure projects in 2009 — but Congress regularly fails to pass any.

Individual cities have been able to boost broadband by making their own projects dig-once endeavors. “When the streets are open for a water-pipe change, we put in the conduit,” Kansas City chief innovation officer Bob Bennett explained at an event in Washington Thursday. But a federal mandate would go much farther.

Ease permitting

The infrastructure plan advocates speeding the permitting process for roads and rails, but its sole mention of doing the same for telecom comes on page 40. There, it urges Congress to ease the rules governing the deployment of small cellular and WiFi sites.

“Much of the cost of the deployment, and sometimes why it doesn’t happen at all, is red tape and high fees at the state and local level,” said Berin Szoka, president of the libertarian policy group TechFreedom. “Federal legislation is the only way to make broadband deployment easier nationwide,”

Will Rinehart, director of technology and innovation at the American Action Forum, pointed to two existing bills that would help: one that would streamline deploying broadband on federal property (also the subject of a January 8 executive order from Trump) and another that would provide more help to communities looking to boost their own broadband.