Trump will have chance to act very quickly on his campaign promises, Rep. DeSantis says

Trump will have chance to act very quickly on his campaign promises, Rep. DeSantis says·CNBC

Once President-elect Donald Trump takes office, he's going to be able to make some of his campaign promises happen "very, very quickly," Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Florida, told CNBC the day after the election.

Not only did Trump score an upset in Tuesday's presidential election , the Republicans retained control of Congress , conceivably making it easier for Trump to pursue his agenda.

"He's going to have an opportunity within a very short period of time to really strike at the heart of President Obama 's legacy," DeSantis said in an interview with CNBC's " Closing Bell " on Wednesday.

That includes repealing Obamacare , appointing a conservative justice to fill Antonin Scalia's empty seat on the U.S. Supreme Court, canceling the nuclear agreement with Iran and suspending the Syrian refugee program, he noted.

Another issue that will unite "all Republicans" and could pull in some Democrats is tax and regulatory reforms, said DeSantis.

"Trump controlling that executive branch, he can work with Congress so that we can circumscribe the bureaucracy so that they're not issuing all these rules, regulation upon regulation."
