Trailbreaker Defines a 10 Km Copper-In-Soil Anomaly and Assays 23.71% Copper in Rock Sample at Liberty Property

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Trailbreaker Resources Ltd.
Trailbreaker Resources Ltd.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trailbreaker Resources Ltd. (TBK.V) (“Trailbreaker” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the results from surface sampling at the Liberty Property, central British Columbia (BC). Soil sampling defined a property-scale (~10 km in length and up to 1.8 km wide) arc shaped, copper (Cu)-in-soil anomaly (Figure 1). Prospecting near the southwestern extent of the soil anomaly resulted in rock samples assaying up to 15.62% Cu (float grab sample) and 23.71% Cu (subcrop grab sample). A continuous chip sample near these rock samples assayed 2.15% Cu over 3.0 m.

Subsequent to completion of the surface program, additional claims totalling 1,841 hectors were staked to the southwest to cover the open-ended soil anomaly and the strike extent of the high-grade copper mineralization. Results from this surface program are being utilized in the preparation and design of a new area-based permit application for Liberty, which will allow for advanced exploration beyond the limited area drilled in the spring.

Message from the President

“This surface program has demonstrated that there is a very large area of prospective geological setting at Liberty. It is clear that the drilling conducted in the spring tested only a small area within this large anomaly. High grade copper values from sampling provide further evidence of the potential for high-grade zones within the mineralized system. Results to date at Liberty show many similarities to early exploration results at the Gibraltar Mine, where a large low-grade copper – molybdenum (Cu-Mo) system is accentuated by zones of high-grade Cu-Mo mineralization.” -Daithi Mac Gearailt

High-Grade Copper

Prospecting in the southwestern portion of the property returned numerous rock samples with >1% Cu. including 23.71% Cu from a malachite vein striking 140° - 320° (Figure 2). This area displays iron-carbonate, talc, and actinolite alteration along the contact between ultramafic rocks to the northeast and an argillite unit to the southwest. This contact was also identified in outcrop 900 m to the northwest, with similar iron-carbonate alteration and elevated Cu values (up to 0.23% Cu in float around the contact). The Cu-in-soil anomaly is particularly strong along this contact and extends to the northeast, with an average width of 1.8 km.

The malachite mineralization in the southwest Liberty property area shares similarities with the highest-grade mineralization encountered from the Spring, 2024 drilling which returned 34.2 m* of 0.47% Copper Equivalent** (CuEq), including 5.9 m of 2.02% CuEq, in hole LIB24-003. The high-grade mineralization in LIB24-003 is located along the contact of a granodiorite intrusion with ultramafic rocks. This high-grade interval is part of a wider interval of mineralized granodiorite (194.3 m of 0.16% CuEq). In the southwestern area, where the high-grade malachite was sampled, mineralization also occurs along the contact of ultramafic rocks with the argillite unit, which display similar iron-carbonate, talc and actinolite alteration. This near-surface high-grade mineralization may be associated with a mineralized intrusion, similar to that encountered in drilling.