Three sectors with the most at stake under Trump's tax plan

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and National Economic Director Gary Cohn introduce Donald Trump’s tax blueprint in the White House briefing room on April 26th (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and National Economic Director Gary Cohn introduce Donald Trump’s tax blueprint in the White House briefing room on April 26th (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

As analysts parse through the White House tax plan revealed Wednesday by Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and White House chief economic adviser Gary Cohn, industries are already reacting to the different proposals.

Core elements of the “biggest tax cut” in US history plan include a reduction in the corporate tax rate to 15% from 35% and reducing the number of personal tax brackets from seven to three, with the top bracket going down from 39.5% to 35%.

But it’s the details that are moving sectors.

WINNER: Retail

Specifically, Trump’s plan did not include a border-adjustment tax (BAT) proposal, which was included in the Paul Ryan-backed House GOP plan released in June.

Retail companies, which reacted negatively to Ryan’s original proposal, are happy about the lack of a border tax on imports. The National Retail Federation on Wednesday expressed support of Trump’s proposal.

“Retailers commend the president for his leadership on much-needed comprehensive tax reform,” NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said. “What matters most is that we enact pro-growth tax policy for both individuals and businesses. This puts money back in the pockets of hard working Americans, helping to grow businesses and industries in the communities where consumers live and work.”

Shay commended the proposed lower corporate tax rate, highlighting that retailers pay the highest effective tax rate of any industry. And he added the key is not including the border adjustment tax.

“We are optimistic that when tax reform does cross the finish line it won’t include a border adjustment tax or any other scheme that shifts the financial burden to consumers,” he said. “Taxing imports would not only raise prices for consumers, it would ultimately cost American jobs and shutter American businesses.”

Retailers, including JC Penney (JCP), Target (TGT) and PVH (PVH) have been vocal about the negative impact the tax would have on their business, particularly affecting their supply chain and potentially leading to bankruptcies.

LOSER: Housing companies

While the White House maintained tax deductions for mortgages (along with charitable giving) while cutting all the rest, it also doubled the standard deduction, so married couples won’t pay taxes on the first $24,000 they earn.

Realtors and home builders expressed worry about the impact of Trump’s proposal on their industry.

The concern? Trump’s proposed increased standard deduction would actually dampen home buying plans of lower- and middle-income Americans. The industry says the higher level of the standard deduction incentive would diminish the importance of the mortgage deduction.