Survivor Resource Center moving to downtown Danville

Jan. 27—DANVILLE — Survivor Resource Center is moving to a larger location in downtown Danville.

Now located at 923 N. Vermilion St. in Danville, Executive Director Marcie Sheridan said they're hopeful to move into the new location, the first floor of the First Midwest Bank building in downtown Danville, 27 N. Vermilion St., early next month.

"We are looking forward to being a part of the downtown area ...," according to Sheridan.

They still will be leasing their space, she said.

"We were outgrowing the space here," Sheridan said of the current site.

She said they've grown over the years and have been able to hire enough people to meet the demand for services.

The center received an $88,000 grant through the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority to hire two full-time prevention educators focusing on schools and after school education. The three-year grant starts in February, and they are currently looking to hire for the educator positions.

Survivor Resource Center (SRC) already is in Vermilion County schools, but they're looking to expand and offer after school programs as part of its prevention work, Sheridan said.

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) announced grant awards totaling $4.5 million in state fiscal year 2022 Community-Based Violence Prevention and Intervention Program funds.

SRC, formerly known as the Vermilion County Rape Crisis Center, moved into Danville from Tilton. It is a non-profit agency supported through grants and community donations. It is committed to ending sexual violence in the community and serves Vermilion, Edgar and Clark counties in Illinois.

SRC is among the 31 organizations to receive grants to provide community engagement and support, prevention supports for children, youth and families at risk for being harmed or harming others, and long-term or ongoing trauma-informed support and services both to those harmed by violence and those who have harmed others.

"These grants will empower organizations to provide programs and services that meet the unique needs of their communities. They also align with the State Violence Prevention Plan which promotes prevention programming that aims to build safe and thriving communities by addressing individual and community trauma and community violence," said ICJIA Acting Executive Director Delrice Adams, through a press release.

lCJIA's 2020-2024 State Violence Prevention Plan goals include stopping violence and promoting safety; supporting children, youth and families; advancing equity in communities; and building healthy communities.