What the Supreme Court's gay wedding website ruling means for LGBTQ rights

The Supreme Court’s ruling Friday in favor of a Christian website designer who doesn’t want to make wedding websites for same-sex couples has raised a long list of legal questions. Among them: Are businesses now allowed to generally refuse to serve same-sex couples or LGBTQ people?

Legal experts have mixed opinions, but most of them say that the answer, at least for the majority of businesses, is no — at least for now.

Justice Neil Gorsuch, who wrote the majority opinion, noted repeatedly that the case, 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, centered on a very specific type of speech. The website designer’s business provided “expressive,” individualized services and involved “pure speech,” meaning literal written words. However, many businesses provide expressive services, legal experts said.

And even though Friday’s decision was narrow, some experts said it could be expanded in coming years to slowly chip away at nondiscrimination laws that prevent businesses from discriminating against people based on their race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or any other protected class they might fall into.

“A hairstylist is expressive, an architect provides an expressive service, a college application essay assistance service is expressive, a photography studio provides expressive services,” said David Cole, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, who argued a case before the Supreme Court involving a Christian baker in Colorado who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

“So does this mean that a corporate photography studio could refuse to take portraits of women because of the belief that women should not work outside the home? The majority, said Cole, “does not take on that core question, which is, what is the limit of their decision?”

Lorie Smith at a rally outside the Supreme Court (Francis Chung / POLITICO via AP file )
Lorie Smith at a rally outside the Supreme Court (Francis Chung / POLITICO via AP file )

Christian website designer Lorie Smith sued the state of Colorado in 2016, arguing that its anti-discrimination law — which prohibits discrimination in public accommodations based on one's race, creed, disability, sexual orientation or any other protected class — violates her right to free speech under the Constitution’s First Amendment. Smith argued that she should be able to refuse to provide her creative services for same-sex weddings, which go against her religious beliefs. She never faced penalties for refusing a same-sex couple and sued on hypothetical grounds.

In its 6-3 ruling on Friday, the court decided in her favor.

Mary Bonauto, who argued on behalf of same-sex couples in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court case that granted same-sex couples the right to marriage, called the court’s ruling “a mixed bag.”