SRQ Resources Receives Authorisation to Drill Target 900 New Cu-Ni Discovery at Lac Brulé

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SRQ Resources
SRQ Resources

Significant Progress in Delineating Large Magmatic Intrusion with Mineralised Members

MONTREAL, Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SRQ Resources Inc. (“SRQ” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: SRQ) is pleased to update on the current surface delineation of the recently discovered large Magmatic Intrusive Complex (“IC”) at the Lac Brulé project in the province of Québec, Canada.


  • The Company has received its “Autorisation de Travaux à Impact (“ATI”)”, the authorisation of impact-causing exploration work for an area of 13.6 km2 surrounding Target 900.

  • Target 900 is characterized by a robust gravitational anomaly measuring 3 kilometers (“km”) by 2 km, starting 600 meters (“m”) below surface.

  • Target 900 is aligned with an airborne electromagnetic conductor starting 500m below surface, suggesting significant depth and lateral extension.

  • The target is situated on the northern flank and hinge of Lac Brulé’s folded IC, an extensive surface expression formed at the end of the Grenville Orogeny.

  • The IC consists of foliated diorite/leucogabbro and pyroxenite of magmatic origin.

  • Detailed petrological and mineralogical studies are currently underway to further understand the complex's composition and structure.

Dr. Marc-Antoine Audet, Ph.D., P.Geo., CEO and President of SRQ, said, “I am excited to announce significant progress in the exploration of the Lac Brulé project and more specifically at the Target 900 site. Target 900 is defined by a substantial large gravitational anomaly starting at a depth of 600 meters below surface and coinciding with an airborne electromagnetic conductor, indicating promising depth and lateral extension. These geophysical characteristics suggest potential for nickel and copper mineralisation that warrants further investigation.

With our ATI in hand, we remain dedicated to advancing exploration at Target 900 and the surrounding areas, leveraging cutting-edge technology and expert knowledge to unlock the mineral endowment of this promising sector. We are excited about the potential discoveries that lie ahead and look forward to updating stakeholders on our progress.”

Figure 1: Surface Geological Mapping at Lac Brulé Outlining a Very Large Intrusive Complex, Traced at Surface over more than 25km together with Deep Conductivity Response

Figure 1
Figure 1

The electromagnetic (“EM”) conductor overlaying the Target 900 high gravimetry response starts from 500m from surface and increases in intensity up to the technological limits of the 2021 Xcalibur airborne EM survey, at 600m below surface.

The expected EM continuity at depth coincides with the large, elevated gravimetry response starting from 600m below surface extending at depth.