Sonatrach and Saudi Aramco cut March LPG prices by 1-3%
Hyvolution exhibition in Paris · Reuters

(Reuters) - Saudi Aramco and Algeria's Sonatrach have cut March's official selling prices (OSPs) for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) by 0.9-3.2% from the previous month because of lower oil prices and weak global LPG demand, traders said on Monday.

Aramco's March OSP for propane was cut by $20 to $615 a metric ton while butane prices were dropped by $20 to $605 a ton, the traders said.

Propane and butane are types of LPG with different boiling points.

LPG is used mainly as fuel for cars and heating as well as a feedstock for other petrochemicals.

Sonatrach cut its March OSP for propane by $5 to $560 a ton and for butane by $15 to $585 a ton, traders said.

Aramco's OSPs are used as a reference for contracts to supply LPG from the Middle East to the Asia-Pacific region.

Sonatrach's OSPs are used as benchmarks for the Mediterranean and Black Sea region, including Turkey.

(Reporting by Reuters)