Sometimes Entrepreneurs Just Need to Move the Moon
Sometimes Entrepreneurs Just Need to Move the Moon · Entrepreneur

Occasionally art really does imitate life, especially where entrepreneurs are concerned.

In an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the planet Bre’el IV is in danger when a moon’s orbit deteriorates and threatens to smash into the planet. Members of the crew try to use brute force to shove the moon back into orbit but their tractor beam isn’t powerful enough.

Unfortunately, they can’t move the moon.

Tension builds. Then Q comes up with a solution: Instead of simply trying to shove an impossibly heavy moon back into orbit, why not just change the gravitational constant of the universe so the moon becomes easy to move?

Objections are raised, hands are wrung and naysayers express their nays. And then members of the crew realize this just might be possible. Sure, some heavy-duty MacGyver-esque astrophysics are required, but with a warp field here and a warp field there, they do in fact change the moon’s mass so gravity has less of an effect and they save the planet. They move the moon.

Which in a much less dramatic but no less innovative way is what great entrepreneurs do every day.

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When a company’s orbit deteriorates.

Whether a business is a startup or a mature organization, at some point it may run into a wall. The CEO strives to increase revenue, reduce costs, improve customer experience, improve quality and deepen employee engagement. People in the organization work hard but the double-digit gains once enjoyed have become single-digit gains, and in time fractional gains.

Why? The company can only get so much faster. The CEO can only cut costs so far. Quality can only improve to a certain level. Incremental gains may still be possible but are hardly worth the investments in time, money and resources.

And in the meantime the competition is working incredibly hard to be just as fast, operate at low cost, and just as good.

Then the laws of business physics take over and the company’s orbit starts to deteriorate. Its competitive advantage (if it ever enjoyed one) is gone. And applying brute force -- searching even harder for marginal efficiency and productivity gains -- won't make a difference.

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Making a course correction if CEOs are drawn into COO territory.

Generally speaking, a chief operating officer focuses on operational efficiency. That’s her job. The same is true for a chief information officer: Efficiency is everything. That’s his job.

Unfortunately, in many businesses even startups, the CEO can quickly become in all but title like a COO. Why? If the company has investors, those investors may focus almost completely on short-term results.