Shanghai Prime Machinery Company Limited's (HKG:2345) Attractive Combination: Does It Earn A Place In Your Dividend Portfolio?

Dividend paying stocks like Shanghai Prime Machinery Company Limited (HKG:2345) tend to be popular with investors, and for good reason - some research suggests a significant amount of all stock market returns come from reinvested dividends. Unfortunately, it's common for investors to be enticed in by the seemingly attractive yield, and lose money when the company has to cut its dividend payments.

A high yield and a long history of paying dividends is an appealing combination for Shanghai Prime Machinery. It would not be a surprise to discover that many investors buy it for the dividends. There are a few simple ways to reduce the risks of buying Shanghai Prime Machinery for its dividend, and we'll go through these below.

Explore this interactive chart for our latest analysis on Shanghai Prime Machinery!

SEHK:2345 Historical Dividend Yield, January 14th 2020
SEHK:2345 Historical Dividend Yield, January 14th 2020

Payout ratios

Companies (usually) pay dividends out of their earnings. If a company is paying more than it earns, the dividend might have to be cut. As a result, we should always investigate whether a company can afford its dividend, measured as a percentage of a company's net income after tax. Shanghai Prime Machinery paid out 31% of its profit as dividends, over the trailing twelve month period. This is a medium payout level that leaves enough capital in the business to fund opportunities that might arise, while also rewarding shareholders. One of the risks is that management reinvests the retained capital poorly instead of paying a higher dividend.

In addition to comparing dividends against profits, we should inspect whether the company generated enough cash to pay its dividend. Shanghai Prime Machinery paid out 0.005% of its free cash flow as dividends last year, which is conservative and suggests the dividend is sustainable. It's encouraging to see that the dividend is covered by both profit and cash flow. This generally suggests the dividend is sustainable, as long as earnings don't drop precipitously.

Is Shanghai Prime Machinery's Balance Sheet Risky?

As Shanghai Prime Machinery has a meaningful amount of debt, we need to check its balance sheet to see if the company might have debt risks. A rough way to check this is with these two simple ratios: a) net debt divided by EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation), and b) net interest cover. Net debt to EBITDA measures total debt load relative to company earnings (lower = less debt), while net interest cover measures the ability to pay interest on the debt (higher = greater ability to pay interest costs). Shanghai Prime Machinery has net debt of 1.88 times its EBITDA, which is generally an okay level of debt for most companies.