How self-driving trucks can create more jobs than they kill

The economic buzzword of the moment is automation.

The robots are coming, we’re told, for our jobs, our money, and our cars, among other things.

But this one-way view of automation as a job-killing tidal wave that leaves mass unemployment and poverty in its wake — requiring a universal basic income — misses that re-orienting the economy around new technology often creates new opportunities and, by extension, new jobs to be filled.

And potentially even better jobs.

A new research paper from David Price at the Richmond Fed examines the 1.8 million heavy truck and tractor-trailer drivers in the U.S. who are at risk of losing their jobs in the case of widespread adoption of self-driving trucks.

And these jobs, Price notes, are of particular interest to economists, the media, and politicians given that these roles have been defined as “opportunity occupations,” or jobs economists define as those which pay at least the median national wage but do not require a bachelor’s degree.

But looking at how both the banking industry coped with mass automation of a core function 40 years ago and how the retail sector can do more with its existing workforce provide reasons for optimism that we are not fated to a robot-dominated future.

Otto is an Uber-owned self-driving truck company.
Otto is an Uber-owned self-driving truck company.

ATMs created more bank tellers

Price uses the example of ATMs becoming widely adopted in the U.S. during the 1970s while the number of bank tellers in the country increased at the same time. The job that ATMs were automating, then, did not become obsolete but was changed and, as a result, made more valuable.

As James Bessen wrote in the IMF’s publication “Finance & Development” in 2015:

As banks pushed to increase their market shares, tellers became an important part of the ‘relationship banking team.’ Many bank customers’ needs cannot be handled by machines—particularly small business customers’. Tellers who form a personal relationship with these customers can help sell them on high-margin financial services and products. The skills of the teller changed: cash handling became less important and human interaction more important. In short, the economic response to automation of bank tellers’ work was much more dynamic than many people would expect.

Being a member of a “relationship banking team,” while sounding a bit needlessly highfalutin, is a clear re-jiggering of an existing role into one that creates more value for the company and workers.

A counterintuitive result: more ATMs meant more bank tellers in the U.S. (Source: IMF)
A counterintuitive result: more ATMs meant more bank tellers in the U.S. (Source: IMF)

Dispensing cash or depositing checks all day is precisely the kind of mindless work that robots and computers are great at. Explaining to customers the suite of other services a bank can offer is a great job for humans. (At Wells Fargo, however, this job might’ve been a little too great.)