See What the Average American Family Takes Home After Taxes in Every State
ArtistGNDphotography / Getty Images
ArtistGNDphotography / Getty Images

“In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes,” Benjamin Franklin once famously said.

All of these years later, he’s still spot on. No matter how lucrative your job is, paying taxes is unavoidable. How much you’ll pay Uncle Sam depends not just on the income bracket you are in, but also on where you live, as every state has its approach to taxes.

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A big question is: How much does the average American household take home after taxes? It’s a complicated question because of the location factor and the fact that every state has a different median income. With exclusive new research, GOBankingRates has broken down the answer, state by state.

Also see what a $100,000 salary looks like after taxes in your state.


Median Household Income: $94,555

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $68,354

Discover More: Here’s the Salary Needed to Actually Take Home $100K in Every State

Consider This: Here’s the Income Needed To Be in the Top 1% in All 50 States

Jacob Boomsma / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Jacob Boomsma / Getty Images/iStockphoto


Median Household Income: $119,037  

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $93,791

Find Out: How Long $1 Million in Retirement Will Last in Every State

Kruck20 / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Kruck20 / Getty Images/iStockphoto


Median Household Income: $102,016

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $74,913

Michael Warren / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Michael Warren / Getty Images/iStockphoto


Median Household Income: $85,584 

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $61,103

DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images/iStockphoto
DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images/iStockphoto


Median Household Income: $126,075

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $85,331

Muhammad Zulkifal / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Muhammad Zulkifal / Getty Images/iStockphoto


Median Household Income: $123,719

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $89,544

Explore More: What the Upper Middle Class Make in Different US Cities


Median Household Income: $138,943 

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $94,333

Dana Dagle Photography / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Dana Dagle Photography / Getty Images/iStockphoto


Median Household Income: $113,501

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $87,242



Median Household Income: $96,830 

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $73,589

sgoodwin4813 / Getty Images/iStockphoto
sgoodwin4813 / Getty Images/iStockphoto


Median Household Income: $106,678

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $76,626

Try This: What Is the Median Income for the Upper Middle Class in 2024?

P_L_photography / Getty Images/iStockphoto
P_L_photography / Getty Images/iStockphoto


Median Household Income: $124,682

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $86,376



Median Household Income: $118,569

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $81,542

Ultima_Gaina / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Ultima_Gaina / Getty Images/iStockphoto


Median Household Income: $99,109

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $73,822

Kayla Goss / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Kayla Goss / Getty Images/iStockphoto


Median Household Income: $103,944

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $74,276

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TriggerPhoto / Getty Images/iStockphoto
TriggerPhoto / Getty Images/iStockphoto


Median Household Income: $102,812

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $73,381

jctabb /
jctabb /


Median Household Income: $91,578

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $67,691

Larry Gibson /
Larry Gibson /


Median Household Income: $97,640

Take-Home Pay After Taxes: $71,251