Rubio tax comment retraction draws praise in Miami

A Miami small-business owner is commending Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio for walking back his criticism of the Trump administration’s tax overhaul.

“I think that is wise for Senator Rubio to correct his stance on the tax cuts and to join in and participate in what we are seeing in the economy right now,” Irina Vilarino, owner of Las Vegas Cuban Cuisine, said during an interview on FOX Business’ “The Evening Edit.”

Rubio originally slammed the GOP tax law, saying there’s a lack of evidence that American workers have benefited.

“To say something is not working when it clearly it is, well I wouldn’t think that’s too smart of anybody,” Vilarino said.

The Cuban-American small-business owner said her employees are reaping the benefits of the GOP tax overhaul, with wages having increased 20% for hourly employees in a short period of time.

“We’re seeing that this has caused a demand in the labor market in order to retain our employees and to gain new ones,” Vilarino said. “We’ve had to compete for those employees.”

Vilarino has a message for political leaders including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who have bashed tax cut savings, saying businesses across the U.S. are handing out “crumbs” to employees.

“I would say that they are out of touch with everyday Americans, with lower- level employees who rely on paycheck to paycheck,” she said.

Vilarino was able to express her gratitude to President Donald Trump at a Florida business roundtable in April.

“Government helps small businesses by letting us do our jobs and getting out of the way, by unleashing the American spirit,” she said.

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