Update: RiverNorth/DoubleLine Strategic Opportunity Fund, Inc., Announces Non-Transferable Rights Offering for Common and Preferred Stock

In This Article:

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., November 01, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--As announced in a press release dated October 21, 2024 (the "Prior Announcement"), the Board of Directors of the RiverNorth/DoubleLine Strategic Opportunity Fund, Inc. (the "Fund") (NYSE: OPP) has authorized and set the terms of an offering to the Fund’s stockholders of inseparable non-transferable rights to purchase additional shares of common stock and newly issued 6.00%, 3-Year Term, Series C Term Preferred Stock (the "Series C Preferred Stock") of the Fund.

Details of the Fund’s offering can be found in the prospectus supplement, dated October 30, 2024. The prospectus supplement can be found on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s ("SEC") Edgar website at: https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001678130/000139834424019690/fp0090848-1_424b2ixbrl.htm.

Please remember that the record date for shareholders to be eligible to participate in the offer is November 5, 2024.

For further information please contact CEF@rivernorth.com or call 800-646-0148.

As detailed in the Prior Announcement, in this offering, the Fund will issue non-transferable subscription rights ("Rights") to its stockholders of record as of November 5, 2024 (the "Record Date" and such stockholders "Record Date Stockholders") allowing the holder to subscribe for new shares of common stock and Series C Preferred Stock of the Fund (the "Primary Subscription"). Record Date Stockholders will receive one Right for each share of common stock held on the Record Date. For every six Rights held, a holder of Rights may buy two new shares of common stock and one new share of Series C Preferred Stock of the Fund. The number of Rights to be issued to a Record Date Stockholder will be rounded up to the nearest number of Rights evenly divisible by six. Fractional shares will not be issued upon the exercise of the Rights. Accordingly, new common and preferred shares may be purchased only pursuant to the exercise of Rights in integral multiples of six.

The shares of common stock issued as a result of the rights offering will not be record date shares for the Fund’s monthly distributions to be paid in October or November 2024 and therefore will not be entitled to those distributions. The shares of preferred stock issued will not be record dates shares for the preferred distributions to be paid in November 2024.

Record Date Stockholders who fully exercise their Rights will be entitled to subscribe for additional shares of common stock and Series C Preferred Stock ("Over-Subscription Shares"), subject to the limitations set forth in the prospectus supplement. The Over-Subscription Shares will be allocated pro rata to stockholders who over-subscribe based on the number of Rights originally issued to them. The Fund may increase the number of shares of common stock and Series C Preferred Stock subject to subscription by up to 50% of the shares available pursuant to the Primary Subscription. The Rights are non-transferable and, therefore, may not be purchased or sold. The shares of common stock and Series C Preferred Stock issued pursuant to the rights offering will be listed on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") under the tickers: OPP, and OPPPRC, respectively.