12:15 London, 14:15 Helsinki, 31 May 2024 - Afarak Group SE ("Afarak" or "the Company") (LSE: AFRK, NASDAQ: AFAGR)
Afarak Group SE’s Annual General Meeting was held in Helsinki on 31 May 2024.
The AGM adopted the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements and discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability for the financial period 2023. The AGM resolved that no dividend would be paid for 2023. The AGM also adopted the Remuneration Report and Remuneration Policy for the Company’s governing bodies.
THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The AGM resolved that the Board of Directors would comprise of three (3) members: Dr Jelena Manojlovic (UK citizen), Mr Thorstein Abrahamsen (Norwegian citizen) and Mr Guy Konsbruck (Luxembourg citizen) were re-elected as Board members.
The AGM resolved that the Non-executive Board Members shall be paid EUR 5,000 per month and the Chairman of the board shall be paid an additional EUR 1,500 per month. Non-Executive Board Members who serve on the Board's Committees shall be paid additional EUR 1,500 per month for committee work. Those members of the Board of Directors that are executives of the Company are not entitled to receive any remuneration for Board membership. Board Members shall be compensated for travel and accommodation expenses as well as other costs directly related to Board and Committee work in accordance with the company's travel rules.
THE AUDITOR The AGM resolved that the Company will pay the fee to the auditor against an invoice that is inspected by the Company and that according to the recommendation by the Audit Committee, the Authorised Public Accountant Tietotili Audit Oy was re-elected as the Auditor of the Company. Tietotili Audit Oy has informed the Company that the individual with the principal responsibility at Tietotili Audit Oy, is Authorised Public Accountant Urpo Salo.
ONE-OFF RETROACTIVE ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION TO NON-EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS The AGM resolved that the Non-Executive Board Members Thorstein Abrahamsen and Dr Jelena Manojlovic shall be paid EUR 25,000 each as a one-off retroactive additional compensation for during the last year having continued to take on substantial more work on a 24/7 availability basis, to facilitate operating through difficult times with challenged market conditions during the year and with further changes in the Company organization and a slimmed management team and continued recovery and improvement of the Company to one of the best financial result in 2023.
AUTHORIZATION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO DECIDE UPON SHARE ISSUE AND UPON ISSUING OTHER SPECIAL RIGHTS THAT ENTITLE TO SHARES The AGM resolved to authorize the Board of Directors to issue shares and stock options and other special rights that entitle to shares in one or more tranches up to a maximum of 250,000,000 new shares or shares owned by the Company. This equates to approximately 90.24 % of the Company's currently registered shares. The authorization may be used among other things to raise additional finance and enabling corporate and business acquisitions or other arrangements and investments of business activity or for employee incentive and commitment schemes. By virtue of the authorization, the Board of Directors can decide both on share issues against payment and on share issues without payment. The payment of the subscription price can also be made with consideration other than money. The authorization contains the right to decide on derogating from shareholders' pre-emptive right to share subscriptions provided that the conditions set in the Finnish Companies' Act are fulfilled. The authorization replaces all previous authorizations granted in the Annual General Meeting in 2023 and is valid two (2) years from the decision of the Annual General Meeting.
THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Following the AGM, the Board of Directors held a meeting in which Mr Thorstein Abrahamsen was unanimously re-elected as the Chairperson. The Board Committees and their composition are as follows:
Audit and Risk Management Committee Thorstein Abrahamsen, chairperson Jelena Manojlovic
Remuneration and Nomination Committee Jelena Manojlovic, chairperson Thorstein Abrahamsen
Health, Safety and Sustainable Development Committee Thorstein Abrahamsen, chairperson Jelena Manojlovic Guy Konsbruck
OTHER INFORMATION Afarak Group SE has, on 31 May 2024, a total of 277,041,814 shares and votes and the Company holds in total 16,041,514 of its own shares in treasury.
The minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be available on the internet at the Company's website www.afarak.com at the latest on 14 June 2024.
Financial reports and other investor information are available on the Company's website: www.afarak.com.
Afarak Group is a specialist alloy producer focused on delivering sustainable growth with a Speciality Alloys business in southern Europe and a FerroAlloys business in South Africa. The Company is listed on NASDAQ Helsinki (AFAGR) and the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (AFRK).