Randall Shepard

Judge Randall Shepard

Our profession should strive to recruit new colleagues from all segments of society.

Still, this period when we're losing out on so many high performers is distressing. I say our message to these potential partners is straight-forward: Join us in the bar. Law is a place to do well by doing good.

First, we must be candid with potential applicants who may not have noticed the difference between the sticker price of law school and the real, actual price. The reality of modern student aid is that it chases high performance rather than economic need. Potential recruits are likely to walk out of law school with less debt than they might think. And, it's a great time to be an applicant. This is a buyer's market.

Second, law offers its best performers both economic opportunity and the capacity to assist others. New lawyers will have the chance help low-income people, advise business innovators, and sustain the rule of law.

Potential lawyers: Come help the under-privileged, earn a good living, and get ready to argue the next Brown v. Board of Education!

Law Schools Are Losing Smart Applicants. How Do They Lure Them Back?