Prima Capital CRE Securitization 2020-VIII Ltd. -- Moody's assigns ratings to three classes of notes issued by Prima Capital CRE Securitization 2020-VIII Ltd.

Rating Action: Moody's assigns ratings to three classes of notes issued by Prima Capital CRE Securitization 2020-VIII Ltd.

Global Credit Research - 16 Jul 2020

New York, July 16, 2020 -- Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has assigned ratings to three class of notes issued by Prima Capital CRE Securitization 2020-VIII Ltd. (the "Issuer"):

Moody's rating action is as follows:

Cl. A, Assigned Aaa (sf) Cl. B, Assigned A3 (sf) Cl. C, Assigned Ba3 (sf)

The Cl. A, B and C notes are referred to herein as the "Rated Notes."


The rationale for the ratings is based on our methodology and considers all relevant risks, particularly those associated with the CRE CLO's portfolio and structure.

Prima Capital CRE Securitization 2020-VIII Ltd. is a cash flow commercial real estate CLO ("CRE CLO") that does not have a reinvestment option; and 100% of the assets are identified and closed as of the transaction closing date. The closing date pool is collateralized by 12 collateral interests (12 obligors) in the form of: i) single asset/single borrower commercial real estate bonds (CMBS and B-Notes), primarily secured by industrial, office and multifamily properties (76.5% of the initial pool balance) and ii) whole loans on commercial real estate secured by industrial properties (23.5%). Approximately 2.7% of the collateral assets are currently rated by Moody's and the other 97.3% of the collateral assets were provided an assessment of credit. The total closing date par amount is $203,106,729. The closing date portfolio consists of 76.5% fixed rate obligations with a 3.71% weighted average coupon. There are two floating rate assets (23.5% of the portfolio balance) with a weighted average spread of 1.50% over 1-month LIBOR.

The transaction closed on July 15, 2020.

PMIT Master Fund, LLC is the collateral seller of all the assets in the pool. Prima Capital Advisors LLC will act as trust advisor pursuant to the indenture and will perform certain reporting duties for the benefit of the noteholders. As the transaction is static, unscheduled principal payments and sale proceeds of credit risk and defaulted assets will be used to pay down the notes per the transaction waterfall.

In addition to the Rated Notes, the Issuer will issue one class of subordinated notes and one class of preferred shares.

The transaction incorporates par coverage and interest coverage tests which, if triggered, diverts interest proceeds to pay down the notes in order of seniority.

Moody's has identified the following parameters as key indicators of the expected loss within CRE CLO transactions: weighted average rating factor (WARF), a primary measure of credit quality with credit assessments completed for all of the collateral, weighted average life (WAL), weighted average recovery rate (WARR), number of asset obligors; and pair-wise asset correlation. These parameters are typically modeled as actual parameters for static deals and as covenants for managed deals.